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Potting Raphis Palm

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Hi All,

I have a bunch of Raphis Palm in my backyard and I want to get rid of it. Everyone tells me it is worth a bit of cash.

The plams are in the garden and I was wondering is it possible to pott them once I dig them out of the garden bed?

they are about 6 foot tall and very healthy.

Do they survive well? or is it possble??

Any comments would be appreciated.

Hi Matt,

Raphis Palms are lovely, not sure why you would want them out.

Digging them out may be tricky; all palms have hair like roots that travel quite a way. The one thing you don’t want to do is break the tap roots. They are the main root to the plant once they get broken the plant will die. That root could be anywhere.

I guess you could try one and see how you go, 6ft is not too big, but it would still have quite a root system attached. Perhaps ask advice from your local Nursery man, they might take them off your hands?
Palms don't actually have tap roots. Essentially you need to dig out as much of the root systems as possible, The main thing with palms is to not let the root system dry out - wrap it in hessian and keep damp.
Have you tried advertising them 'in-ground'?
Had a quick look in some of my palm books - the Raphis palm only grows to about 10ft. and is one of the best indoor palms. 6ft tall palms in a nursery would cost a few hundred each!
thanks michelle,
i like them but i have a bunch around the back of the house taking up room. i have a healthy batch out the front which i'll keep.

cheers Dukekamaya,
i guess i can give it a go and see what happens....then call the local.

thanks for the replys guys, helped me out heaps.

Yes Dukekamaya, Raphis Palms are one of the most expensive palms to buy. They are an excellent indoor plant, but like all indoors Palms will need the best position with natural light you can give them. I have seen some nasty looking Raphis …on their last legs due to bad positions. But sounds like these guys are very happy outside.
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