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Plant Recommendations Narrow Retaining wall/Fenve

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Hoping to get some advice. We have over 40m of retaining wall on the back and side of our property. The retaining wall is about 50cm wide with a fence behind it. See photos below

We are planning to paint the retaining wall and the fence a dark grey colour to reduce the visual impact. I am looking for suggestions on what we can plant in the retaining wall to cover the fence.

As the retaining wall is quite narrow I am thinking a creeper to cover the fence. However don't want anything that's too invasive or large roots that may Damage the retaining walls. I don't want a creeper that's too heavy that may damage the fence. I am planning to have garden beds along the retaining wall at the bottom and plants tall shrubs to cover the actual wall.

Ideally would like a flowering creeper with white/purple or pink flowers.

Some ideas

Fiscus Pumila (creeping fig)

Pandorea Jasminoides (Bower of beauty)

CONVOLVULUS SABATIUS (ground morning glory)

Trachelospermum (star jasmine)

Any suggestions would be be very welcome


I'd go with the convolvulus - tough as old boots, easy to train, as it gets long soft shoots. It mats well to keep out the weeds, and it tan just be rolled up like carpet after cutting.
I have it planted in my side harden wall, although admittedly, mine's a little lower than yours.

It does well in sun or shade, as long as the shade isn't too heavy, and it flowers a LOT!

Hope that helps.
Thanks JayaJaya,

I am also leaning towards convolvulus to spill over the retaining wall. Planning to alternate between Jasminodes to creep along the fence about a 1.5m apart with the convolvulus in between to spill over.


Hi Franky, take a look at these as well.

Clematis vine
Pigface flowers
Seaside daisies / Beach Aster

Happy gardening:-D

Retaining wall to garage wall

Building A New House

Thank you again Simeon.. I will call my certifier for that. Have a good day

Maximum Garage Width - Narrow Lot (Willoughby Council NSW)

Building A New House

Thanks again for this information. If you do hear anything different, would be great to know >

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