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Taylex HSTP Effluent area and Vegetable/Fruit patch

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We have built a house in QLD and we have a Taylex advanced blower system. I just want to know whether we can plant vegetable or fruit plants in the HSTP Effluent area? Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure I'd like to be eating vege's / fruit watered by effluent though.

I had a taylex septic system I was less than impressed hopefully its new and you have warranty. I had many pump/aerator issues and control panel problems. It could however had been installed poorly to begin with though. Our had about an Olympic swimming pool size underground irrigation system. Be prepared after 5 or so years if you use a lot of water and like longish showers to have a swamp. I would suggest if you can to also suface irrigate your gardens. Divert half underground half above ground, if underground goes soggy divert fully to above ground. I installed a tap after 5 years I did live in an area though that was prone to heavy rains and very very clay soil.

As for planting a vegetable garden I wouldn't recommend it and if anyone was to eat the vegetables expect to get sick or possibly die. It would be a good idea to install a garden bed though with water absorbing plants that will feed on the effluent and help dry out your sub suface irrigation.

Also to watch what you put down there use biodegradable toilet paper that is septic safe limit oils and fats going down the drain and you can flush old yoghurt down the dunny to help multiply beneficial bacteria.
That part of massive underground piping would be to do with the clay soil you have there, and perhaps it wasn't as big as it should have been for the number of people in your house (plus the long showers too!).

I can't help but think in your situation it may have been under-designed.

Perhaps in your case, you may need to look at further soil improvement 'downhill' of the pits ? Maybe rotary hoeing and adding sandy soil in to it to break up the clay to allow for a greater surface area to reduce the swampiness of your yard ?

110% agree with you on limiting the fats/oils that go down the sink.... that's what wheely bins are for.
Don't Quote me but I'm pretty sure the sprayers have to go on naturally level and open ground.
We are almost started and would like to use it to water something other than grass.
I would use it for trees but not a vege patch.

The system was overdesigned for our house. It was to cater for a 6 person household at the time we had 2 adults and a newborn. Limited showers still no improvement.
sounds like rotary hoeing in plenty of sand 'downstream' from it to hopefully increase the dispersial area of it might help.... dunno the legalities of doing that though, but it is what I'd be doing if I was in that situation.

Spreading the 'wet patch' over a larger surface area would help it evaporate.
What pump did you have for your Taylex HSTP.
How long till it failed?
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That would be great -Thank you.

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