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Best trees to create border on fence line

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I'm just starting to research some trees to go around the fence line/border of the land we just purchased.

It's 1.5 acres, literally a big rectangle set amongst 5 other identical blocks of flat ex farming land. There's no trees anywhere yet. We want to plant some large trees along the boundary lines to provide privacy, wind break and to look good

We're in SA. Northern if that makes a difference. We're hoping to get them in ASAP before winter. Has anyone got any suggestions?

Hi Savanah, you haven't said whether you want exotics, gums, or a mix, or just all the one tree.
it always looks good if you plant some trees that are already native to the area. It looks like they've always been part of the landscape. Have a look beyond the estate to see what is growing naturally and if you can't identify them, take a leafy branch to a nursery and they will help you.
Large trees, like eucalyptus grandis- are you sure?? Best to go for the small to medium sized trees instead or you'll end up with forest giants!!
You also need to decide whether you want bird attracting, ornamental bark, foliage or flowers. And will they be on retic to help through summer or do you need drought resistant varieties?
You see your question is too broad for a simple answer. . .
A windbreak is often most effective if you plant at least two rows of flora ie. a line of trees along the fenceline with smaller, bushy ones in front of it eg. eucalypts or sheoaks up top & grevilleas or something similarly bushy & bird attracting underneath. Best chance of success is usually using species local to your area, providing you can find something you like. Corymbia ficifolia (red flowering gum) is a very beautiful, hardy tree but it is not indigenous to you (they're from WA). Also, if you have salinity issues, then that will limit what you can plant (saltbush, saltbush & more saltbush). Local nurseries can often come up with choices you otherwise might not have considered.
This link will also be helpful to you as to choice of trees and site planting: ... caping.jsp

We were in Margaret River WA during the recent bushfires with many homes lost but happily no lives, however you need to consider what you can do to reduce bush fire hazards as well. Wind-blown sparks are the worst, and gum trees can just explode with all the oil in them! (There's a lot to consider, isn't there- in light of all this we are currently planning our own windbreak!!)
Thank you for your responses. There is a lot more to consider than I first realised!
I think we have narrowed it down to a kind of conifer? Something that wont grow to big, so that in 15 years we have no view and are shut in with massive trees. I had been thinking Leighton green but these will grow too high I think. Due to it only being 1.5 acres I don't want the trees to make it seem smaller if they are too big.
The search is still on
Do you mean something like the native hoop pine? (A medium sized tree, quite a good windbreak).
My pick might be something along the lines of lilly pilly, ficifolia, with olive leaf grevillia or callistemons or camellias underneath as I need colour and form as well- developer states we must plant trees and/or hedges along all the fence lines.

Have just edited this post as I discovered the hoop pine can grow really big (but a lovely looking drought resistant tree, tolerates clay as well.)
Thank you for your responses. There is a lot more to consider than I first realised!
I think we have narrowed it down to a kind of conifer? Something that wont grow to big, so that in 15 years we have no view and are shut in with massive trees. I had been thinking Leighton green but these will grow too high I think. Due to it only being 1.5 acres I don't want the trees to make it seem smaller if they are too big.
The search is still on

Hi Savanah,do you ever read your inbox?
Now now Toparius, share....
Now now Toparius, share....

Hi Keen,love to share but do not know how to upload videos on to Home One.
I have finally had a chance to get back online and reply Topiarius, thank you.
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