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buffalo and dead patches and levelling

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hi guys
newbie here so be gentle!

my lawn was laid back in June (realise it was the wrong time now but the gardener said nothing!) - is supposed to be Sir Walter Buffalo (but not too sure on that - that is what I paid for but doesnt seem to be performing!).

Anyway, there are quite a few patches that I would call dead- the grass is yellow and crunchy like straw - is it dead? Also, the areas that are green are starting to yellow a bit and its not particularly nice underfoot - not soft when barefoot mainly. Yet there are areas that are thriving - lush green etc, especially around the edge of the path. Also, it doesnt seem to recover that well from the kids running around on it- seems really flattened and "dull" - is it supposed to be like that?

A couple of questions -
1) will the grass grow into the "dead patches" eventually, or do I have to dig them out?
2) what are these long runners that are appearing everywhere?
3) what do i need to do to make the areas that are turning yellow(ish) stay green

Also, how do I get rid of the dips in the lawn - it is quite undulating which adds to a bit of an "interesting" game of cricket in the yard (but being a batsman I would prefer a road!) without really raising the whole height of the lawn? Is it just a case of adding top soil?

We are in Caroline Springs area in Melbourne, so the soil is quite clay.

Get some certified organic compost from Bulleen art and garden
Top dress with that. level it over.
Its a pity the turf wasn't laid into the wonderful homeone Fu Manchu soil, because it would be fine even through winter. (well better than everyone elses anyway

The runners are the buffalo runners (or Rhizomes) that is fine.

There are a few threads here on repairing a buffalo turf so have a read because they have almost the same situation as you do

I have posted some good tips and methods. It will be better than ever

Just don't fertilise it.
cheer Fu - will get down to Footscray for that molases during the week.

quick question - how long do we have to leave the lawn before the kids can go on it again with the molasses and seamungus on it?
was trying to put some pics up to illustrate but it says the board attachment quota has been reached ... den/grass/

have a look in here for pics - is it dead?!

i have just put seamungus over all of it and put some organic top soil (naked farmer) in some of the patches....
You have not used the one thing that will make the greatest difference... molasses!

It may seem out there but that will bounce back fine.
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