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best lawn

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what is the best type of lawn to laid we have dogs
from my personal use of grass Sir walter is dog and kid tough

but follow ALL of Fu's advice and most will be fine

always about the prep
As much as I like buffalo lawns what do you think would happen in winter when the buffalo goes very dormant? The ground will be wet, the grass wont grow but the dogs will still run around and urinate on it. The end result will probably be hardly any lawn left. Kikuyu on the other hand grows much faster does not go as dormant and will recover easily when the warm weather returns. Also buffalo is twice the price.

Both grasses have pros and cons, I just don't think the buffalo will cope. Where you live will also play a big part, if you live up north the buffalo would probably never go dormant, down in south east vic it does during the winter.
Jetson if you look at yvette's details you'll notice she lives in Queensland.
Yep no dormancy worries in qld, kikuyu would be a nightmare up there.
yeah I did notice that after I posted, I also noticed they are on 5 acres, that would be a lot of buffalo!
not looking to turf the whole 5 arces just a area round my house
The best lawn in the world will become the worst lawn in the world if it is grown in the worst soil in the world
So what's the best soil in the world?
Also Jetson if you have read my posts you will know that growing Buffalo in cooler winters is easy and absolutely possible. As is growing Empire Zoysia.
Use outdated 1980's turf methods and yes expect problems and wish you had that terrible plastic stinky grass

It's all in the soil prep and that will ensure not only tremendous success for the turf owner but also secures the future of the turf industry, improves a cities health and benefits for the climate of a city.

The sticky on laying turf outlines nearly everything turf
The best soil in the world D@n, ya smarty pants
is hopefully your soil after reading the turf laying summary

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=21938 ... &Itemid=54

It's a living soil that hasn't been assaulted with bloody lawn beetle killer (phhfffft) and copious fertilisers sterilising the soils living things and also weed killers nuking the soils living things

YOUR Fu Manchu Forum HomeOne soil
Fu Manchu
Also Jetson if you have read my posts you will know that growing Buffalo in cooler winters is easy and absolutely possible. As is growing Empire Zoysia.
Use outdated 1980's turf methods and yes expect problems and wish you had that terrible plastic stinky grass

The sticky on laying turf outlines nearly everything turf

I always read your posts as they are very informative. Time will tell once we hit winter in melbourne, I have prepeared one of my buffalo lawns (Sir Walter) as best as I could, mixed in sand, mushroom compost, use seasol/powerfeed, seamungus and water well and infrequently as possible. It looks very impressive if I do say so myself, it was installed in september this year.

I am not a traditional ferliser man as I know this is only a short term visual fix.
The mushroom compost will have its own set of hassles in the years ahead and hence why I never recommend it. The lawns look great while the nitrogen from the chook poo in it is plentiful but later there will be issues.
Fu Manchu
Fu Manchu Forum HomeOne soil

If only we could buy it by the bag!
Or the tonne
You can
crusher dust to level lawn

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