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Transplanting Young Citrus Trees?

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Hi all,

We've just bought a house (we're in Adelaide) which has an Emperor Mandarin and a Meyer Lemon in the backyard. Both are quite young at a guess, as they are only about 3 foot high. I'm not keen on where they are currently planted (next to a garage which will be removed) and would like to replant them on the other side of the yard.

We don't settle on the house until mid September, so is it possible to transplant them around that time? If not, when would be the best time and do you have any other tips on moving them? I've been told that moving them, even at a young age could possibly stunt their growth and fruit bearing capabilities, it this true?

I've also read Fu's thread on molasses, would I be able to use this on them to help them along after transplanting?

Thank you all in advance for your wisdom
Yes, absolutely.
Last year I transplanted a Meyer Lemon, Imperial Mandarin & Navel Orange which were approx 4-5 years old. I moved them in August and by March they were looking better than ever. A good nursery said spring was the best time to transplant, so I reckon you'll be fine. They did have a period of struggling during summer, but this was probably due to me not feeding them enough.
I would suggest to give them a good prune when you move them, make sure you have good soil and mulch them quite heavily as they have a lot of surface roots. I added soil improver and mulched with lupin and pea hay. Then lots of seasol to get their roots settled in and growing, maybe weekly for the first month, then fortnightly thereafter. And molasses, not as often as the seasol, I do mine monthly now.
I didn't get any fruit this winter, but I was happy for the energy to go into the plant, so am looking forward to a stronger, healthier plant will loads of flowers this spring!
All the best.
Thank you very much Grevillea Vale, I'll move them the weekend we move in.
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