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bougainvillea(sp?) won't flower

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Hi There,

I have a bougainvillea which won't flower. It otherwise seems very healthy and leafy. It faces west and gets quite strong afternoon sun, it is trained up against a brick wall. Is it too hot?

Any suggestions

We had two in our backyard a few years back. One was on the north side and one was on the south side of our yard which also faces west. One would flower lke crazy while the other didn't much. It was always the one that got less sun that didn't flower as much. If you only get afternoon sun, it would be my guess it won't flower as much.
Im sure the heat isnt the problem - we see many bourganvilleas flowering here, west coast of SA, very hot and dry.
We had 2 of them in our old house and they grew vigourously and flowered prolifically for about 9 months of the year. Beautiful splashes of purple/red.
They like full sun - ours were growing up the sides of our chicken coop and we did almost nothing to look after them, survive on next to no watering but did get plenty of natural fertiliser

Biggest problem was pruning; thorns were very sharp

Perhaps it needs more sun or more fertiliser
The adage that they love to be dry and neglected isn't always the case. These plants love tropical conditions and when they get lots of water and rich soils they can go really well in places they weren't before
look at Singapore's Bougs. They get heaps and heaps of rain each wet season.

Warmth, so they really need as much sun as possible. In the right spot with year round sun they can flower all year. In the wrong spot they will hardly flower at all.

They only flower off new growth so a good cut back can help
Gee my mum has always had 'bogan'villea's to the point our entire family consider them a pest, im pretty positive we could plant them in concrete here and they would go nuts.

No assistance offered, just suprised they arent flowering
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