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Plants under eve

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Im trying to find plants that will be suitable to go under the eve of the house.

We have one blank brick wall, not many windows, its an older house with dark bricks and I want plants to cover up the awful brick colour.
This wall gets full afternoon sun and full shade in the morning - im thinking golden cane palms for next to the wall, but next to the windows im a bit lost.
Next to the windows I want something that wouldnt grow too high and preferably flowers...
Any suggestions welcome

A friend suggested bambino boganvillias, but I think these tend to grow out of control ?

well first of all is the sun and shade you quote in the summer or winter?
Don't golden canes grow really big? I'm not a gardener, but was given one in a pot some time ago and told to keep it in the pot if I didn't want a huge palm.
Well here in Perth, depending on the aspect and shade they won't

I need more info
Thanks for the replies.

Fu Manchu
well first of all is the sun and shade you quote in the summer or winter?
Thats winter.

Maybe I should just keep the palms in pots and see how they go.

How about the bambino boganvillia's - would there be enough sun for them to survive?
be wary of roots.

2 reasons

1 - can move your house (brick timber or concrete)

2 - Termites.
be wary of roots.

2 reasons

1 - can move your house (brick timber or concrete)

2 - Termites.
Thanks - I didnt even consider roots before.
With the above plants these just are not an issue.

It isn't like we are planting a Tuart tree nearby.
When garden beds are against the house you do need to be mindfull of termite barrier mesh and or letting mulch build up against the walls.

If you use pots in that area you can expect your water consumption to be very high to keep them watered adequately.

The plants you choose will need to tolerate the sun and shade. The Bams will just go terrible for one half the year and great for the other.

Maybe some nice dracaenas will do well and keep things manageable and simple.

I always say them, Murrayas. Also look at growing Vibernam Tinus. Being in Perth you won't have the amazing choice others do in the rest of Australia. Get the soil right. Spend time and money on it otherwise your plants will cost you money for all the years to come. Use certified organic soils where ever you can.

Get the irrigation right. Avoid shrub heads and microsprayers. Use MP rotators and netafim subsurface drip line. mulch heavily with mulches that would hurt to walk on with no shoes. Why? because they will have irregular pieces that are not going to absorb water into the mulch itself. Just watch how high on the wall you go

Correas will be good. check this link for a bunch more ideas. ... -2374-1092

Kanga paws might survive and are worth a try anyway

Philothecas which have aromatic foliage are worth a shot. nice flowers too.

Hope that is some help.
What do you want it to look like in your mind? any chance of a photo?
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