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Building ForumLandscape & Garden Design

Garden Mulch.

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Tidying up the garden is always great for creating that perfect outdoor impression.

Here's a small and economical tip.

Ring up your local council to discover where the nearest garden waste location is, where you can dump your garden waste, and collect as much free mulch as required.


Not sure where YOU live but nothings for free
I'm afraid you have to buy that FREE mulch your talking about

Whoa, was that a bump or what- nearly 3 years to be exact.

I'm sure its a bit late to ask, but whereabouts is that?
Better late than never they say!

Nah i have just found this site and so its real interesting what you read here some times funny too!

Come up to the Far North as after Cyclone Larry the council tried to sell the mulch to people but after a while the mountains of mulch was a bit much so you can help yourself to as much as you want or pay $100 for a massive lorry load!

geez its about $40 cubic metre at out tip! - after paying $10 to dump it!

Your right!
We pay $9 to dump then another $30 for my own stuff back mulched !
What the!!

Maybe I should start to transport it around Australia as it might work out cheaper

I've just been corrected by Hubbie he said an eight wheeler load costs you a carton of beer now so no hard cash is required

Can I suggest that you contact a tree lopping mob for mulch.
I have never paid more than a carton of Crownies for mulch.
I avoid using composted mulches and even the council stuff (but it is good enough from time to time)
Most tree lopping guys have to pay to dump the tree waste to the councils so they prefer anything easier.

Just don't get fussy about where and how you want it. For the cost of a carton just take it!

all the nutrients held within the plants mulched will then be returned to your garden for the beinfit of the plant. It also has some of the best water saving properties going.

I might do a breif write up in the garden forum about mulches as there are lots of bad ones available that will cost more money in other ways.
Bankstown and Hornsby council are two Sydney ones which have free compost giveaway days where you can drop off branches too big to fit in the green bin and collect a trailer load of compost all for free! Check the council website for days and locations. You can just pick up or just drop off too. And if you don't have a trailer you can take a strong bag and fill it with compost. But its easier with a trailer because they fill it for you using a cute mini bobcat thingo!

Canterbury also do free compost giveaways, but its from street sweepings so I wouldn't reccomend it if you get your hands in the garden a lot.

The Hornsby stuff is great, they give away well composted mulch which has no weed seed and has worms in it.
Its 100% free at the City of South Perth. (if ur a resident)
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