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Landscaper issue - Need your advice

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I am wondering if the landscaper can charge you for geo fabric he is using?

We are told that our backyard neighbour requested him as there is dust going in his house while we are leveling up our soil and our landscaper has been already using it by the time he informed us and charged us for $125.
I am wondering if the landscaper can charge you for geo fabric he is using?

Yes, of course he can, just as he charges you for everything else he uses for your job. Why do you think he might not or should not be able to?
Ok Thanks for the reply!

This is my first time building & I have zero knowledge about this.

He neither explain this nor put in the quote but charge me last minute later and said my neighbours, his acquaintances, requested him to use in order to prevent dust/water entering into their backyard while landscaping for my backyard. It is not using it for my land.

So I am wondering if I should pay just because my neighbours requested him behind my back. At least I should be informed.
AlsoI thought it should be already included in his service charge.

I had to pay $125 just for geo fabric alone. Is it normal price?
He should have spoken to you about it, after all you are his client, not your neighbours, and you are paying and they are not. However, sometimes during a build neighbourly disputes arise and they can result in complaints to Councils who may order remedies that might be more expensive.

With regards to costs, it depends on how much he had to used and any labour charges. So you can get an idea of the price per square metre, here is a link to geotextile fabrics available from Bunnings.

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