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Château TDL: The Backyard Chapter...the rains have come!

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looking good tdl
very good
Couple of colorbond moments in the backyard from the weekend

...and June 2008

I bet you hardly slave over it as well.

Way better than a McGarden
Love it TDL
Love it
That does look sensational, the plants are doing well!
Great work!!
Can I exhale now?


You're going to have all those Colourbond moment people fainting all the time, better keep a bottle of smelling salts on hand.
beautiful TDL, it looks great I bet you and the family get heaps of enjoyment out of it.

what's that tree in the 2nd last pic coming out of the pinky flowers, just to the left of the water tank?

am flattered to be part of your signature
Thanks for your kind words....and very happy with the progress of the plants

@Fu...yep minimal work because I prefer a less "structured" theme is"green".

what's that tree in the 2nd last pic coming out of the pinky flowers, just to the left of the water tank?

An ornamental pear which will be unlikely to see the end of winter...stupid plant....very disappointing.

Once it's loses it's leaves it will be re-bare rooted and planted elsewhere or I may not bother with it at all...I give plants 12 months if they don't like their home I generally find a less pleasant place for has a green lid!

An ornamental pear which will be unlikely to see the end of winter...stupid plant....very disappointing.

Once it's loses it's leaves it will be re-bare rooted and planted elsewhere or I may not bother with it at all...I give plants 12 months if they don't like their home I generally find a less pleasant place for has a green lid!

The yard is looking good!
That's some impressive growth since the last update.

...I give plants 12 months if they don't like their home I generally find a less pleasant place for has a green lid!

Me too. I binned three plants yesterday. I gave them fair warning; scolded them a couple of months ago and told them if they didn't perform they'd be compost.

Who can be bothered with namby-pamby plants that want constant attention?
TDL, Can I suggest a fantastic tree for that very spot? Well stuff ya cause I'm gonna Anyway

Ginkgo biloba

Loves the heat, loves the cold and is one of the most ancient living things alive on earth today. It has a leaf structure that predates plants that have complex veins running all over the leaf. The Gingkos have straight veins like grass does. Old, very old.

It would rock in that spot.

A Chinese Tallow would as well
A beautiful yard TDL!!! You should be very pleased with yourself
Now get inside and put some pants on!
A beautiful yard TDL!!! You should be very pleased with yourself
Now get inside and put some pants on!

What do you think he used for a tripod?
truly fabulous
truly fabulous

What the tripod or the garden?

Tony Abbott will be jealous TDL

Go the gingko, an edible plant good for the memory

Tastes like you know what
but worthy
I certainly don't want to remember that picture two posts above...eeeeewwwwww
Gorgeous TDL!! Thats exactly what I want!!
What do you think he used for a tripod?

Fu Manchu
Tony Abbott will be jealous TDL

My eyes... my eyes... arghhhhhhhhh!!!
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