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soil amendments - Sydney siders

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Like anything, good prep is the way to go. Doesn't matter what you are doing - painting, concreting, landscaping. Skip a step in the preparation and your end results will usually show it.
A lot of posts on these forums where someone has laid turf straight on the builders rubble and can't understand why the lawn looks like it's crap and dying.
Do the hard yards and you'll have the best looking garden in the street.

Hi BeatrixKiddo,

I am currently just about to start the process of removing/replacing existing lawn in backyard.

I am doing it all this week and was also in two minds about following Fu's guide having clay type soil in the backyard. I just saw this thread tonight and had me reconsidering my plans.

What I am planning to do is to remove the top 200mm of top soil and replace with new topsoil. I have already ordered the bin so will be removing the top 200mm tomorrow. (Well I have booked in a landscaper to come and do it as I have 2 kids and am still renovating the rest of the place)

Do you think this plan is ok/would you suggest any different:

1) Remove 200mm topsoil
2) Rotary hoe 100mm of remaining soil (how necessary is this? My landscaper thinks its not necessary)
3) Replace 200mm topsoil with: Mix on site 20% compost (cannot find organic but was planning to run with ANL re-carb) mixed on site with 80% of 80:20 sand/soil turf underlay. I am in two minds about this.. I am thinking whether it would be ok to just run with 80:20 turf underlay?
4) Add nutrients (Powerfeed, bactivate, zeolite, bentonite clay) and rotary hoe (is rotary hoe necessary or nail rake ok? as suggested by landscaper)
5) compact and lay turf

Appreciate any thoughts you may care to share, as we are not very sure which is the best way to proceed!

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