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Fu Manchu's Guide to Soil Prep & Laying Turf

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I can help with pics of the spongolite and zeolite.
I really am a little taken back that someone has done this! I'm tearing up a bit!

The gypsum thing is something that can't be just done as a given in clay soils. It doesn't always work and when it does it takes years for it to have any effect. Dolomite of lime is sometimes more effective but In my opinion what I have seen organic composts of all types do is far superior to the use of Gypsum.

For clay soils or heavier soils, spongolite and perlite are excellent soil amendments to use. Those who have suffered flooding would wish they had spongolite and perlite in their soil structure as it keeps the soil more open and slows nutrient leaching. In summer, they allow an easier passage for water to travel deeper into the soils structure which ultimately leads to less or more effective water use.

Zeolite in a granular form. We use this for water bowls and ponds as well. Ensures no algae problems.

Zeolite in a powdered form

Bentonite Clay
Clay Cat litter $4 for 3-5kg

or as Sodium Bentonite for adding to cattle feed, so we get this from Rural supply shops. 20kgs costs $20-30

Spongolite (again can be ground up or granulated, doesn't matter)

Another excellent source of info is from this good man,

Lets hope this doesn't happen though.... ... re=related
*hands Fu a tissue*
I thought it was also a nice touch to pay tribute to Fu by naming the thread like so
Thanks guys, aim is to make this thread as helpful as possible and reduce turf related threads :p
Wrexter, I will clean this thread up so it just the info. Feedback can then be added via a separate thread which cross references this. I thought I answered the question the first time in the lawn thread but somehow this info gets dragged out over 100 pages or whatever.
Good idea Fu, your input would be awesome as it will be much better than me tryin to figure it out going through everything:)

Thanks alot
This is a few examples of what better organic turf care can achieve

Nice guide....Very helpfull, and today very confusing lol

It's very hard to find some Certified Organic Soil in Sydney.
I just rang Australian Native Landscapes and surprisingly was almost told off... that what I need to get is their Turf Underlay which is the best stuff for what I need to do!
The lady asked me why i needed sand + Organic soil, and asked me if i was a professional, told me that I can't do my own mix, that is ridiculous....
At the end of the conversation, I just asked SP (Seven Hills) if they had any of certified organic soil even if I make a mistake, it's my own business... She said no...
They certainly don't need new customers!!

My question is:
Is Certified Organic "Compost" the same thing as Certified Organic "Soil"?

If I can't find any certified organic soil, what would be the best turf underlay? (I have to start my landscaping one day!)... or is there an alternative?
I like the idea of mixing nutritious elements in my poor soil instead of just adding a layer...
(I come from a place where the soil is black and full of worms, this is a big contrast!)

Thank you

Before tilling the area, should we add about a 10cm layer of organic soils, then mix in with the other additives?
Na, just chuck it all in and mix through with the machine tiller or dingo.

As for composts, YES YES YES use them
For Sydney siders, get in touch with Kimbriki eco centre for some places to get good bulk compost from

As for the advice given, it is especially the professionals that need re-educating. Much of what is known was learnt in the 70's 80's and 90's with little attention to evolving ways of having a turf that isn't addicted to pesticides, fertilisers, and a never ending cycle of going from good to **** and back again much to the annoyance and expense of the owner
I have done a little serching and try Universal composts, Recycled Organics,
Was looking for this exact info.. thanks heaps.

5.1 Empire Zoysia Turf

Fu Manchu suggests Empire Zoysia due to:

  • Uses less water

  • Stays greener in winter

  • Slow Groth

  • TrueBlue Turf In Capel/Busselton - for SouthWest region

5.2 Molasses

Refer here for a discussion of Molasses Suppliers around the country.

Can be bought from any horse feed or produce shop.

  • Mirco Bros (can take BYO container)
  • Elders
  • Landmark
  • Some City Farmers outlets
  • Gardeners Direct

  • Tamborine Hardware and Produce

  • Elders Rural Supplies

  • PETstock

5.3 Zeolite

Some discussion on Zeolite suppliers and pricing found here.

Globe Australia have suppliers in every state




5.4 Spongolite


5.5 Bentonite

  • Absolutely Organic
  • Westfeeds

5.6 Seasol & Powerfeed

Available from Bunning but may be cheaper from following places


5.7 Certified Organic Soil

Make sure it is NAASA approved.


5.8 Piggypost


Went to Woodvale Fish & lilly Farm, very helpful

Zeolite & Spongolite $16 each for 10kg bag

They said about 2.5kg per 10m2
I'd go more, way more. It sure won't hurt
But how much more is way more? Double triple? A whole triple road train? (I know more is better but surely there is a cost/benefit limit).

I want to provide the best conditions as I'm going to be taking a truckload of sand off the top and apply the organic treatment in about 2-3 weeks in prep before the lanscaping package gets laid...
next questionis, can you apply more over the top and let it be watered in through mulch and turf?
1. Yes a b-triple road train or more

or even a

2. No. If doing to established gardens it takes years. Plenty of posts on the subject.
Hey Fu, is this process similiar to preparing for a garden? Also, Ive heard weed mat isnt good as it basically puts a stop to nature, doesnt get enough water etc so what would be a long term alternative? Ive heard about newspaper but once it decomposes than what?
My dad swears by coffee grounds (he owns a cafe)
I cant wait to start preparing!
Thanks so much for this info! It makes my time management so much better, ie more time landscaping, less time on this forum looking up how to landscape

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