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brand of sander?

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I have an old door which I need to sand back and then paint. It is currently a stained door. I am a novice when it comes to renovation but thought I would give it a go. Can anyone tell me the brand of a good lightweight random orbital sander? I dont want to spend too much as the sander wont be used that often.
Is the door actually stained or just lacquered? If its stained you will need to take a lot off as stain penetrates into the timber - a lacquer sits on top.

I think Ozito make a cheap orbital sander for around $50 with a 3 year home warranty. You can't go wrong with something like that. If it breaks Bunnings don't give a hoot about throwing another one at you.
Door is lacquered. Thanks for your reply. I will have a look at that one.
Most affordable paint brand

General Discussion

Thank you. That is really helpful. Once we get the place done and passed for OC we can upgrade in the future once we get back on our feet and not paying mortgage and rent.

Brand new house with beyond horrible windows

Windows & Doors

Pay again? No retribution? Your glass has a specific performance get this app and see how much your windows are leaking, then challenge the supplier.

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