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Building ForumKitchen Corner

kitchen pics - ideas please!

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so here is my current 1980's kitchen

oven side

sink side

yes its a walkthrough (galley?) layout, and fairly small (compared to some), and i'm on a budget here...

i want to paint the white brick wall (oven side) a deep darkish red...

i was liking glossy black tiles for the splashbacks...

and black laminate/melamine cupboards with the shiny speckles in, silver metal handles....too much black?

what colour/type of benchtop? and what colour for the other walls on the sink side?

the white sliding door is going to be replaced with a wooden door, in the same dark wood as the ledges/capping visible on the sink side pic, and i was thinking a dark wood venetian instead of the verticals..

thats a dining and family room over the sink side, so the colour for the walls will have to be extended into those rooms. Colour matching furniture not important as we haven't bought any for that room yet
There is a pine wood buffet and dining table, very versatile.
What about keeping your cupboards light and do a black bench top?/

It will be very dark otherwise.
i like dark

no i really want darker cupboards, littlies + hand prints + light walls and cupboards = pain in the butt

Maybe a red top to match the bricks??
ooh i didn't even consider red, might photoshop that and see what it would look like....what colour would you do the other walls in that case? I was thinking a golden colour (not bright yellow!)
I was going to suggest red to match your wall colour too.
Or a lightish colour just to lighten up the kitchen a little?
what do you think of a light grey granite / granite look alike counter? The cooking appliances will eventually be upgraded to stainless steel so that may suit? And it would break up the black i think.
A light grey would look nice, but not with yellow walls!!

Why not go stark white for the walls as you have some strong colours, and then the walls wont fight with the kitchen.
How about stainless splashback or you can get a mirror or silver look tile. The black red and silver with highligts of white always looks fresh.
We went with a silver tiled splashback, and we weren't too sure how it would come up, but we are really happy with the result - well worth a look, would match your new appliances perfectly
Hi elly,
You said you were thinking granite/granite look alike for the benchtop. I don't know your budget but check out the quantum quartz.
They have one called Venteian Day that I think would look amazing with your red wall and black cupboards but still lighten it up. The link is below, what do you think?

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