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What is in you scullery?

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Where is your dishwasher and appliances in your kitchen with scullery? Do you have a sink in the scullery as well as the kitchen?
Any other design things you have added or wished you did?
Very interested to hear from others as we have been discussing scullery layouts recently. I love the idea of having a sink and dishwasher hidden in there for all the post cooking mess...but I don't love the idea of trying to unstack the dishwasher and carry everything from the scullery back out into the kitchen to put away etc.
Our scullery/WIP has shelves of food (obviously), single tub sink with drainer and full height cupboard for brooms/step ladder/etc.
Only appliance in there is the microwave as it doesn't get used much.
I'm putting the microwave, toaster and all the other big appliances in my larder. Didn't put a sink or dishwasher in there as there is no window and i didnt like the idea of doing the dishes in a small enclosed area with no view. Although I do like the idea of being able to hide the dirty dishes in there. If I could have had a window I would have put the sink and dishwasher in there for sure.
This is the setup we have at the moment. Just trying to think through all the practicalities.

Not sure I would put a full size fridge in the scullery where they have put it, maybe only a little fridge with the microwave above it.
Plates and dishes stored next to and above the dishwasher in the scullery.

Cutlery in the island?

Underbench oven under the cooktop with cooking dishes (fry pans/pots etc) either side.

Bin cupboard in island with small one under sink in scullery?

Does this work?
IF you can fit a full size fridge, then I'd do it. My parents have a full size fridge in their WIP and it's great at Christmas time or when ever the whole family gets together for a few days.
The biggest issue that I have with placing all these things in a scullery/butlers pantry etc that would normally go in a standard kitchen is that suddenly the work triangle has gotten an awful lot bigger meaning your kitchen is now not a very efficient one.
I know there can be multitude ways of setting out your kitchen for your individual use but a lot of the rules that apply for this triangle - mostly that none of the fridge, sink or oven should be closer than 1200mm ( 4 ft ) or further apart than 2700mm ( 9 ft ) should remain.
I've designed a fair few new places and a lot of renos with large kitchens ( at the clients insistence ) and while they look impressive with their vast expanses of benchtop and huge walk in pantrys etc I for one wouldn't like to cook in their kitchens.
Some pantries have in effect have become second kitchens ( what the hell is that all about ? ).
I think people should look very close at their proposed design and how they will actually use their kitchens effectively.

Stewie D
The biggest issue that I have with placing all these things in a scullery/butlers pantry etc that would normally go in a standard kitchen is that suddenly the work triangle has gotten an awful lot bigger meaning your kitchen is now not a very efficient one.
I know there can be multitude ways of setting out your kitchen for your individual use but a lot of the rules that apply for this triangle - mostly that none of the fridge, sink or oven should be closer than 1200mm ( 4 ft ) or further apart than 2700mm ( 9 ft ) should remain.
I've designed a fair few new places and a lot of renos with large kitchens ( at the clients insistence ) and while they look impressive with their vast expanses of benchtop and huge walk in pantrys etc I for one wouldn't like to cook in their kitchens.
Some pantries have in effect have become second kitchens ( what the hell is that all about ? ).
I think people should look very close at their proposed design and how they will actually use their kitchens effectively.


My scullery is nearly a second kitchen, the idea behind it is being able to prepare and clean up when entertaining without having the mess on display and in the way.
I'm with you Stewie it seems crazy to cook in the small kitchen and leave your large display kitchen untouched......but then again what the hell do I know?

I get the hiding the mess but seriously unless you have people over every night or are running a restaurant from you kitchen ??? Anyway each to their own
The stove-top and oven are in the kitchen so cooking will happen there, only the mess in the scullery?!
Each to their own
Thanks Missy I get the concept I really do and I wasn't being funny when I said each to their own I really believe that - my Malaysian friends swear by Sculleries their cooking normally involves a lot of stir frying etc so they don't want the strong smells and frying in the house
Well the scullery for me will be the where I have my espresso machine and grinder. There will be a sink also and windows. Its is sort of a walk in pantry cum storage so we will have some high storage as well and bench space but to be honest have not put that much thought into it at this stage.

My wife is malaysian and the stir fry will be done in the alfresco which will double as a wet kitchen.

We have a good deal of Pantry space in ours 2 floor to ceiling 120cm wide cupboards on either side and then 3x 60cm bench height cupboards and a huge sink.

We originally wanted a second kitchen since we do a lot of cooking but then my partner went and picked appliances that cost a weeks wages each and i felt like they needed to be seen not hidden in the pantry and I am glad i did.

I was at a friends house this week and their main kitchen is pretty pristine but the cook top is in there. They have a tiny round sink in the kitchen island and the ovens/ main sink / dishwasher was in the scullery/butlers and it was a work out i will tell you.

Back and Forth with hot pans is not my idea of fun. I like to not have to walk just turn around and dump them in the sink to cool quickly. Not go for a walk
And if you must do the tiny sink .....please have a pull out spray thingy to fill pots....or better yet a pot filler. Going from the scullery to the kitchen with a massive pot of water.....also no fun. Neither was filling it up the rest of the way using a small pot the only thing that could fit under the tap in the small sink in the main kitchen.

They just finished building this house in Sept last year and already they are discussing remodeling the kitchen.
I'm with you on this one BB.
I've only ever lived in one place with an island bench and that is where I used to do most of the food prep for our meals.
If we had friends around for dinner or even just a normal meal with my flatmates I'd be whipping up a salad or munchies while they sat on the other side of the island with a glass of wine in their hand.
I wouldn't want to be stuck inside a cupboard - which is what a butlers pantry/scullery is in my book cooking on my own while everyone else is out in the kitchen/dining/lounge.
About the only concession I'd make is to maybe have the dishwasher in the scullery so you could close the door and have it washing away while you relax in the other rooms.
As Tracyw said having a place like a scullery where you could dump all the dishes when you have a few people over is a good idea.
Likewise as Cooper05 mentioned, if you do install a dishwasher in there afterwards you have to empty it and carry all the plates, dishes etc back out to the kitchen.
I guess to each their own and you have to weigh up the pros and cons of how your kitchen/pantry is setup, what appliances are going where and your personal preferences are to how you prepare and cook meals.
Aesthetics aside the person who has the biggest say in all this should be the cook and no-one else.

Stewie D
I'm with you on this one BB.
I've only ever lived in one place with an island bench and that is where I used to do most of the food prep for our meals.
If we had friends around for dinner or even just a normal meal with my flatmates I'd be whipping up a salad or munchies while they sat on the other side of the island with a glass of wine in their hand.
I wouldn't want to be stuck inside a cupboard - which is what a butlers pantry/scullery is in my book cooking on my own while everyone else is out in the kitchen/dining/lounge.
About the only concession I'd make is to maybe have the dishwasher in the scullery so you could close the door and have it washing away while you relax in the other rooms.
As Tracyw said having a place like a scullery where you could dump all the dishes when you have a few people over is a good idea.
Likewise as Cooper05 mentioned, if you do install a dishwasher in there afterwards you have to empty it and carry all the plates, dishes etc back out to the kitchen.
I guess to each their own and you have to weigh up the pros and cons of how your kitchen/pantry is setup, what appliances are going where and your personal preferences are to how you prepare and cook meals.
Aesthetics aside the person who has the biggest say in all this should be the cook and no-one else.


Luckily the dishwasher we choose is pretty quiet so it can stay in the main kitchen although I may add a second one in the butlers because we entertain on a large scale frequently. We also have a laundry trough in there for dishes to hide them.

I think Aesthetics need to go have a seat maybe two seats when it comes to a kitchen and wait until function is done. Because too many people want it to look nice and then are all kinds of confused after. I mean at some point my friend is going to take her husband out with a hot pot. i see it happening
My new kitchen has a WIP and a scullery, the scullery has sink with metal drainer thing attached, dishwasher & appliances (toasted, kettle, coffee machine). There's also window and its entrance to laundry

Fridge & kitchenaid will be in kitchen along with oven, microwave & stove. All food prep and cooking etc is in the kitchen. Just the dirty dishes will be in scullery.
Kitchen has a single sink (no drainer) to wash hands/food etc

ETA: prob easier to add a picture haha

Our scullery is a walk through to the laundry, we have 2 massive cupboards on one side, one is the pantry and the other is for all our additional crockery etc that only gets used when we entertain.
The other side which is not visable when you sit at the island bench (deliberately done so we can hide mess) is a bench with cupboards underneath & a space for an undermount bar fridge.
Above the bench is more cupboards for wine glasses etc.

We opted not to put a sink in there - as the dishwasher is in the kitchen and I don't care about hiding the mess.
In hindsight a sink would have been good for the sole purpose of filling the kettle, as the kettle lives on the bench in there and I have to walk to fill it....

I wouldn't want to hide in the scullery when we have guests, with the island bench, they sit on one side and we can talk as I prep etc, the layout of our house is great for entertaining, as I can be involved in the conversations from the kitchen if our guests are in the alfresco, theatre, lounge or dining.

With all the cupboards there is plenty of space for everything, the last home we lived in we ran out of room for things and had things stashed in hall cupboards etc.
I mean at some point my friend is going to take her husband out with a hot pot. i see it happening

I see this quite often where the husbands ego gets in the way ( not saying your friends hubby is like this though )
They want it to look grand and have this and that but they are not the cooks in the house.
More than once I have argued with the husband on the side of the wife ( or whoever is the main cook in the house ) because the kitchen would have ended up unworkable with big distances between the principle work zones and appliances.
In the two cases above that LeanneR and snorgzz have I could live with those setups because while I'd probably still do most of the day to day prep and cooking in the main kitchen , having that extra area when you entertain would be very handy.

Stewie D
I mean at some point my friend is going to take her husband out with a hot pot. i see it happening

I see this quite often where the husbands ego gets in the way ( not saying your friends hubby is like this though )
They want it to look grand and have this and that but they are not the cooks in the house.
More than once I have argued with the husband on the side of the wife ( or whoever is the main cook in the house ) because the kitchen would have ended up unworkable with big distances between the principle work zones and appliances.
In the two cases above that LeanneR and snorgzz have I could live with those setups because while I'd probably still do most of the day to day prep and cooking in the main kitchen , having that extra area when you entertain would be very handy.


She picked the kitchen lol but her husband has this habit of walking like a ninja and one day when shes carrying the hot pot from the kitchen to the scullery shes is going to walk right into him.

Me personally im a klutz to the point where we have a seat being built in the shower because somehow while standing still I fall and a laundry chute because im pretty sure the stairs are out to get me when i have to bring laundry down in my new house. My current shoot is throw them over the stair case

I dont want to have to go far with a hot pot because its not going to be pretty. I'd likely burn myself.

But yes husbands tend to be more along the lines of i want the kitchen to look like a space ship.... i had a friend his kitchen was one wall of black glossy panels. i had to search for the fridge AFTER finally figuring out how to open the bloody doors that had no handles. you had to push down and then it opened. I do not have the patience for that.
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