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Benchtop colour help needed!

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I've decided to keep my existing cupboards and replace the benchtop & sinks for the time being in my kitchen in order to save money and at least get me moving on my renovations

I had some laminex swatches at home but have misplaced them and I believe antique white was the colour they used for the cupboards but looking on the laminex site it seems like a different colour. However here's a picture of the kitchen

Now I am at a loss as to what colour benchtop to put on. So I am asking for all suggestions
hi, are you going to use laminex or stone tops? would you like a light or dark colour. I will put a couple of choices now and wait for your reply.
if laminex you could use:
stipple hemp

stone caesarstone: the numbers are on the website, not sure why they dont give names anymore.
I'm looking at using laminex bench tops for the time being to keep the cost down until I can pull the whole kitchen out

I'm undecided on whether to go light or dark at the moment, I just need something to match
i think that laminex limestone will look good.
sandpebble looks more like a stone top.
Thanks MaleenaH

I've ordered some samples from Laminex so hopefully I can look at them together in the next few days

Now just to find someone who will replace the benchtop for me
Kalahari topaz looks really good with antique white. Great colour for a benchtop (Parbury Wilson Art, not Laminex).

I can't be sure from the photo but it looks like you have a drop-front profile on those tops - is that right?

If they are drop front tops you will find that you can't just replace them with "standard" 34mm postformed benches without having that big gap between the tops of your carcasses and the top of the doors (which look like they have been cut low for a shadowline effect?) made very visible.

Are the tops postformed or are they square laminated?

The thing is that new postformed drop front tops for a kitchen that is going to be replaced is not that cost effective - you are looking at around $300 a linear metre not counting joins and ends.

But if the tops are only square laminated (where the laminate does not "wrap" over the edges) then it makes it possible to relaminate the tops instead, which is a fair bit cheaper...

If I have got this right then these are important things to be aware of when getting quotes to replace the existing boards (and maybe help you consider if you can live with the existing tops until you can replace the whole kitchen).


Hi Earl,

Thanks for that as I am having so much trouble with the kitchen that I am almost ready to cry and wish I had never brought my unit

The laminate doesn't wrap around the edges as you mentioned, they just drop down

Who would I need to speak to regarding re-laminating and is it very expensive?

Ideally I'd love to replace the kitchen straight away but I don't think it's in the budget at the moment
Now…….tell me why you hate your kitchen so much?

And why you are nearly to tears over it!

I see heaps of potential there!
And without re-placing any of the laminates to start with until you have the spare cash to redo the whole kitchen!

Which in my mind is better for you. I can’t understand doing it in bits and pieces. Work with what you have.

HINT…..the vinyl, it’s a shocker!

Ever thought to redo that only, then add some really neat things on that blank wall?

I was thinking that too Michelle, really for a rental the kitchens not to's a light colour and clean.

I'd defiantly replace the vinyl - to something very light - whitish, and put white tile splash back in.

It really depends on what the rest of the rest of the house is like, Is a new benchtop going to add value to the flat ? not sure if you can claim it on tax to replace it if it's not broken - but thats a whole other story.
I hate the colour of it and I find it fairly unworkable. I guess coming out of a brand new house where I had everything how I wanted it to something that is mediocore is frustrating as I keep seeing things I really want done but find it hard to prioritise it.

The vinyl is awful and it is coming up in places but fortunately its only that tiny patch in kitchen, the rest is carpet however which goes through the lounge & kitchen and eventually I want to change it all to a wood look vinyl or to parador floor boards.

What would you suggest putting on the wall?

I just need some inspiration to get me through
For a rental its fine (as it was previously) however I actually live there so I do need to make it so I like it
Are you male or female???
Sorry, but it makes a difference.
I'm female Michelle
For a rental its fine (as it was previously) however I actually live there so I do need to make it so I like it

whoops, so sorry I got you mixed up with a different poster who was fixing a rental...sorry xxx

Any chance you could put up with it for a while, and redo the cupboard doors and benchtops together ?? you may be surprised at the quote ?

Lino is soooo cheap, any way you could just get some to get rid of the brown, might give it a better feel, short term.

I experimented in my place with colours by putting sheets/ material on the floor - just to see what the colour would look like.

A cheap option for a splashback would be tiling it yourself.

I'm sure it's a massive change for you coming from a new home.
Hi, just my 2 cents worth,

How about 2 floating shelves on the wall and you could put some nice canisters or things on them.

I have been searching high and low for raw ones to stain myself, but have found lots ready to hang.
It is a huge difference coming from a lovely new place where I picked everything to virtually everything being outdated and ******* repair jobs. I wanted to DIY it all but have given in for my tiling in the toilet & laundry and almost are ready to give in with the painting

The kitchen and that awful vinyl is a pet hate of mine as I used to have a lovely kitchen with ceasarstone benchtops
It is a huge difference coming from a lovely new place where I picked everything to virtually everything being outdated and ******* repair jobs. I wanted to DIY it all but have given in for my tiling in the toilet & laundry and almost are ready to give in with the painting

The kitchen and that awful vinyl is a pet hate of mine as I used to have a lovely kitchen with ceasarstone benchtops

Sassy_Bud…. I know your pain!!!!

If it’s what I think you mean, I’m about to go through the same thing!

Pretty soon there will be photos of some horrid thing I have to buy as well and will need to do up on a very tight budget!
*Hugs* Michelle. We can have each have competitions on who has the worst place

If any of the cabinetmakers are around, would of any of you be able to give me an approximate price on pulling it out and installing a new one so I know what kind of ballpark figure I am looking at?

I swear I wish things were different and I have days like today where I wish I never brought the stupid thing and I was renting lol.
But if the tops are only square laminated (where the laminate does not "wrap" over the edges) then it makes it possible to relaminate the tops instead, which is a fair bit cheaper..

Wouldn’t you think with the age of the kitchen that they are a square profile, not dropped?
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