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Building ForumKitchen Corner

Cooktop on breakfast bar. Am i Crazy?

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Hi all,
I have just purchased a townhouse and looking to do some renovations before i move in.
I have been playing around with sketchup for a design for the new place and made the below.

I would like to leave the current sink where it it (I dont have to worry about the kitchen waste) but then im not too sure where to put the stove. The best look is on the breakfast bar. I know this is not typical to do here but i have seen some pictures, in the states, that have this done.

Am i missing something here? Is there a reason why i should not do this? Legislation?

Any feedback would be appreciated..

It will make a bit of a splattery mess every time you cook. Your bench top also doesn’t look that big, will you have enough prep space? That said, I know people who have cooktops on islands and they seem to like it. Don’t forget a rangehood too.
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