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Kitchen colour's - Help I have no idea

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Laminex Espresso Ligna is the darker one and Formica Cappuccino. Our benchtops are Laminex Ash White.

We have some red accessories, tea towels and floor mat - works well with the Espresso Ligna.
You have a great color pallet for lots of different options... which I guess makes it harder

With the splash back you can keep it neutral and go for a beigh or you can create a bit of zing and go for a irridecent tile in a neutral tone like this,

Any neautral color woll go with both cabinet options and will also also make the red accessories pop!

Think I might get my splashback ripped out, I am in
with this...
Ready when you are mrsmac
I hope I have embeded this right

Hi mrsmac,

If you wanted to keep a mid tone color in your kitchen but still use a RED splashback, have a look at the PD website, the Kitchen in the Urban Red Style shows that it can be done.

Laminex Espresso Ligna is the darker one and Formica Cappuccino. Our benchtops are Laminex Ash White.

We have some red accessories, tea towels and floor mat - works well with the Espresso Ligna.

Thank you flagstaff I ended up in your build thread last night till 1am

I just loved it and your home is beautiful, reading your build blog was like a fantastic novel count wait to get to the next page.......
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ive done my kitchen colours

Floors - floating floor "Tas Oak"
Cupboards - Polytec createc älabaster"gloss
Benchtop - Polytec laminate "nullarbor stone"matt
Splashback - Glasstone Mosaics

Love this splashback

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Well done mrsmac!!!

Looks great!! Love those tiles!

Now don't look at anymore more kitchen threads/magazines/pictures anything
Floor doors benchtop and splash together

with my red cannisters

with my red microwave

splashback and bench top

Im so happy its all over
Oh I love your tiles! Where are they from??
Going nuts looking at everything lol
Well done mrsmac!!!

Looks great!! Love those tiles!

Now don't look at anymore more kitchen threads/magazines/pictures anything

Oh Bel I certainly wont, I have even put all the other samples in the bin....
Im very happy with my choices
YAY!!!!! Love the tiles to death
and the floor and everything goes together
well done
Oh I love your tiles! Where are they from??
Going nuts looking at everything lol

I got them at Kings Carpet Court, I got everything there today including my carpet.
The lady was fantastic and knew her colours well, we had a great time and lots of laughs
YAY!!!!! Love the tiles to death
and the floor and everything goes together
well done

Thanks Suh and thanks for your help last night
because the benchtop and cupboards were so "safe"I wanted a bit of wow in the splashback and when I saw those tiles I didnt ask price just said YES
then comented to hubby "happy wife, happy life
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ive done my kitchen colours

Floors - floating floor "Tas Oak"
Cupboards - Polytec createc älabaster"gloss
Benchtop - Polytec laminate "nullarbor stone"matt
Splashback - Glasstone Mosaics

Love this splashback

Uploaded with

I like your choices. They are so similar to mine!
Thanks Fairy blue, your kitchen is lovely
fairy blue
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ive done my kitchen colours

Floors - floating floor "Tas Oak"
Cupboards - Polytec createc älabaster"gloss
Benchtop - Polytec laminate "nullarbor stone"matt
Splashback - Glasstone Mosaics

Love this splashback

Uploaded with

I like your choices. They are so similar to mine!

Mmmm bootiful

Laminex Espresso Ligna is the darker one and Formica Cappuccino. Our benchtops are Laminex Ash White.

We have some red accessories, tea towels and floor mat - works well with the Espresso Ligna.

Thank you flagstaff I ended up in your build thread last night till 1am

I just loved it and your home is beautiful, reading your build blog was like a fantastic novel count wait to get to the next page.......

Hehe... thanks. Still have many things to add

Love the colours you have chosen mrsmac!! That mosaic tile is gorgeous!! Would've loved something like that for our place!
did your heart sing when it all came together????
did your heart sing when it all came together????

Yes finally
did your heart sing when it all came together????

Have I said this too many times? Oops now others are saying it LOL
Zero Lot Issue & Need Idea

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