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They ruined my stone!!!!

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Feel better Nathan
Nathan SteelFab
Seriously this is nothing to get really excited about.
He stuffed up, it's simple. He'll pay to fix it.

Some people here are funny "I'd throw the biggest hissy fit EVER" wow lol, make yourself look like a douch and go right ahead, blow your top over a simple mistake. I just hope that in whatever line of work you do, you never make a mistake that costs the company money, otherwise I would love to hear your sob stories then of how the cruel boss spoke to you in a totally uncivilised way due to the mistake that you made, accident or not. Oh no, no not me no never a mistake here, accidents never happen to me I'm sure I copied down the correct email address, I'M PERFECT.

Maybe if you had a sick child in hospital or something it would put everything into perspective for you.

Ummm did you see my update?? Were NOT making a biggie out of it, we not even getting him to fix it.

Oh and be careful what you say... My kids in an out of hospital at the moment.
EKT - impressed, you kept your cool
(over the power pt and the last post
). Hope your kid is OK
Nathan SteelFab
Seriously this is nothing to get really excited about.
He stuffed up, it's simple. He'll pay to fix it.

Some people here are funny "I'd throw the biggest hissy fit EVER" wow lol, make yourself look like a douch and go right ahead, blow your top over a simple mistake. I just hope that in whatever line of work you do, you never make a mistake that costs the company money, otherwise I would love to hear your sob stories then of how the cruel boss spoke to you in a totally uncivilised way due to the mistake that you made, accident or not. Oh no, no not me no never a mistake here, accidents never happen to me I'm sure I copied down the correct email address, I'M PERFECT.

Maybe if you had a sick child in hospital or something it would put everything into perspective for you.
That's a bit below the belt

pharley was just expressing how he'd feel about it. Who are you to attack him like that?
It's okay ladies, please put your knives away
It's okay ladies, please put your knives away

... in kitchen corner too!
It's okay ladies, please put your knives away
I didn't realise Nathan was a lady
I hope your family is ok EKT, please don't stress
Just a reminder to all

2. Be respectful of other members at all times. Flaming or abusing (incl. bullying, belittling or humiliating) other members in any way is not acceptable. Any post deemed disrespectful or defamatory of another member or party will be removed, and the poster will be at risk of being banned.

Lets keep this on topic now, shall we?
Ok, I've received 3 moderator posts, included in that is one official warning. I'm fine with it and will stand fast in my opinion.

Here is what I replied with to in regards to the moderators questioning:
Hi ****,
Thank you for empathising with me somewhat.

I was trying (obviously not to well) to I guess stick up for the tradesman, while at the same time, expressing that cracking a nani over such a trivial problem is not the way to solve things.

I'll probably take a break from the site for a while. I like reading around the place in regards to details to watch out for, it's good to see how things go together, I see a post that crucifies a tradesman and defames their name and it gets to me, never mind any legal implications that the user has entered into (even tho in this case, who, or who that tradesman works for is unknown). I know if it was one of my blokes and they accidentally positioned a post the incorrect way, I would understand the clients frustration but would also defend the right for accidents to happen and would not reduce myself to blowing a gasket.
I don't like to lump people into a group but the users on this site seem to be a tad immature in regards to the ways of the world.


I've had my son in hospital at 3 weeks of age, please don't think that I am using it as some sort of tool to warp peoples perception in regards to a child being sick. <==== Jayden.

I have explained my feelings on this to the moderator as above. If you really want to know none of my post was pointing to the OP in any way.

I can understand frustration that you maybe feeling. Also after reading that guys blog with the zucchini builders or whatever their name is, I to would be just one foot off throwing myself off a bridge. Time to pray for a tornado to take the place away.

So in the end, to whoever it maybe, there are smart tradies in this world and there are ones that are not as smart (see I'm diplomatic
, I wont say stupid, as that, to someone that works here in this industry I'd be in front of some tribunal for workplace bullying).
I see tradies that are suited to different types of work, they all have their place in the world, maybe your site was just confused with another, he had it mixed up in his head and bang, holes in wrong places, and knowing murphy and his laws, it had to be in one of the most expensive parts of the house items.
You also need to be aware of what you write here. The new announcement regarding defamation is very real. In the Essential baby forum a user was taken to court by an obstetrician for their "views and reviews" of his service. The site has since banned users from giving negative reviews, can you believe that? Can you also imagine what this place would turn into if the companies of the tradies that saw some of the posts made (i'm not just talking about this thread) here would do if they had the same care or gusto as an OB in holding up a reputation. This form, due to it's size I dare say will need to follow a similar path, no negative reviews, stating of the facts with no personal input maybe the way we are heading here like EB.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

Crux of the matter is:
Stone is wrecked.
It's on the drawing in writing, he'll have to pay for it.
Everyone else need not jump on the bandwagon and start popping up and down.
Talk of "cowboy tradies", there is no such thing.
Sorry if I hurt anybodies feelings.
Time will fix everything, have a couple glasses of wine and think tomorrow will be better.

The end

EKT - it is good that you can live with the oversight. As SuH said maybe using a Saturn PP will make it look more in keeping with the rest of your home.

Nathan - I tend to agree somewhat with you. At times everyone seems to think that besmirching someone or "chucking a fit" or threatening them with ACA / TT will right whatever is going wrong with their build.

I have said it before that we all need to depersonal the building process somewhat - step back, analyse what has happened and work out is it really that big of a deal? If it is absolutely a deal breaker then by all means start the dialogue with the person responsible. If it is something that you can live with then move on - you will be a lot less stressed in the long run.

My parents motto in life has always been Treat people how you want to be treated. Doesn't matter if they are rude / nasty / do the wrong thing - you can only control how you act / speak.
EKT - it is good that you can live with the oversight. As SuH said maybe using a Saturn PP will make it look more in keeping with the rest of your home.

Nathan - I tend to agree somewhat with you. At times everyone seems to think that besmirching someone or "chucking a fit" or threatening them with ACA / TT will right whatever is going wrong with their build.

I have said it before that we all need to depersonal the building process somewhat - step back, analyse what has happened and work out is it really that big of a deal? If it is absolutely a deal breaker then by all means start the dialogue with the person responsible. If it is something that you can live with then move on - you will be a lot less stressed in the long run.

My parents motto in life has always been Treat people how you want to be treated. Doesn't matter if they are rude / nasty / do the wrong thing - you can only control how you act / speak.

and read my siggy
Nathan SteelFab

He stuffed up, it's simple. He'll pay to fix it. Read the replies again. He's not fixing it at all.
Pay doesnt necessary limit something to the monetary sense.

Can we move on please....
He's not doing anything Bam. She's willing to put up with it.
I understand that Ari, but what Im saying is that he may be facing other consequences you're not aware of. Hence what I meant by saying Nathan's "pay" isnt necessarily monetary.

I thing the main thing is that EKT has made their decision as to what to do about the situation. Sometimes in life things don't go to plan but we learn to make do and let live.
uh....I just scrolled up and noticed all the other comments. None of those posts were there when I posted my first comment! How come mine took so long to appear and posted at the end!!!
okay something screwy is going on with my internet. Someone help me
I just went into another thread read all the posts...and then went back in and there were a whole lot of other posts. Facebook is doing the same thing
I have no idea....and to think...10 years ago I knew all about computers. Now I know what old people feel like
There was a bug with H1 doing something similair.... but it wouldnt affect Facebook! Time for a new computer?
That was rubbing salt into the wound. I have a computer sitting in a box waiting for the new house!

So H1 had a bug....tick
now to work out facebook
Maybe its Internet explorer
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