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Help with brick, down pipe & fascia colour

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My first home is due to begin construction shortly. However I am somewhat stuck on the external colours.
What I mainly need help with is the fascia and down pipe colours.

Fascia; matching or contrasting colour to the roof?

Down pipes; I want them to match the brick colour but the closest I can find is Jasper but it would be quite different and introduce another colour not used elsewhere on the house. HELP!

Bricks: Boral Barwon (Off White mortar)
Roof: Woodland Grey
Gutter: Woodland Grey
Fascia: Woodland Grey or Surfmist??
Garage door: Surfmist
Down pipe: ???

Any help or suggestions on better colour choices would be appreciated!
I'd do the down pipe the same colour as the gutter. But against your brick it will be noticeable rather than blending in. I'd use surfmist on the fascia rather than matching it to the gutter. Having said all depends on what look you are going for and also where you're situated. Light roof is better in hotter climates and dark in colder...those bricks are beautiful and lend themselves to the rustic industrial style...I love monument and if you are going for industrial type of look dark roof and windows would be perfect!

Our gutters are dark (like roof) fascia and down pipes are dune (same as window frames).

My 2016 build viewtopic.php?t=81011
What colour are your window frames?
If you have a surfmist garage door, surfmist fascia would work.
Woodland Grey would also work just as well, it depends if you prefer a contrast or it all to match.

With a woodland grey roof and surfmist garage, I'd do surfmist fascia and woodland grey downpipes.
I definitely wouldn't do jasper if there's no other jasper on the facade.
What colour are your window frames?
If you have a surfmist garage door, surfmist fascia would work.
Woodland Grey would also work just as well, it depends if you prefer a contrast or it all to match.

With a woodland grey roof and surfmist garage, I'd do surfmist fascia and woodland grey downpipes.
I definitely wouldn't do jasper if there's no other jasper on the facade.

I am looking at doing Surfmist windows. It will look nice from the inside, and help frame the bricks a bit.

Thanks for your input.
My external colours are very similar to yours - dark roof and dark brown bricks. The gutters match my roof; the fascia, downpipes, windows, and front door are in surfmist. I also have timber cladding and timber-look garage door to break things up along with a light grey render.

Based on the colours you've mentioned you could either go with:
1) woodland grey fascia and surfmist downpipes
2) surfmist fascia and downpipes, or
3) surfmist fascia and woodland grey downpipes.

Any of the above will work. Which one is the best would probably depend on your facade design and if you have any other features on it like cladding or render etc.

But you're right - definitely don't introduce jasper.
Thanks everyone. Decided to go with Surfmist fascia and Woodland Grey downpipe.

Once decision down.
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