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Building ForumFinishing Touch

High Gloss clear top coat to go over enamel paint

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Hi all,

can anyone suggest a suitable product please.

I've built a floating tread staircase & have been using POR15 2 pak for the steel work & structural beams etc. I live in Cooktown & the heat & humidity have made application a nightmare - 4 times I've started from scratch to get a good / acceptable finish.

Anyhow stringer is done & looking ok but the steelwork for the balustrade support I ended up sanding back again & have used White Knight Squirts multi purpose enamel to do these bits of the structure. The finish is good but I want to use a product that will finish this so it looks similar to the high gloss of the black POR 15.

I would prefer to apply with brush or roller rather than spray & due to my bad experience of 2 pak would rather a single type product.

So looking for a clear high gloss top coat that can go over enamel

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dulux professional polyurethane clear gloss.
Available at dulux trade centre outlet only.
Apply with mohair trim roller
available in 4 litre only.
Black gloss enamel

General Discussion

This link might answer your question. I had the same issue and it turned out to be the roller. ... %20coating.

Enamel paints

General Discussion

The yellowing mainly occurs to white or very light colours.

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