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Our First BLUE EGG!!

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Well we are slowly finishing off each room. The nursery is the first one to be completed fully. This baby is a surprise hence the chocolate and sage green colour scheme as well as pale green ensuite.

oh wow, I love that nursery, look at the details in the curtains (the swag holders - is that what you call them??? the metal things!)

and the feature tiling is gorgeous - lovely green colour!
Oh that's lovely, Kyton - and the ensuite is really pretty!!! I love nurseries
It looks absolutely beautiful.

I'm sure he will think it's gorgeous.
Yes he.... it's a boy, I can feel it.
Jo -
it is certainly cruel enough to it's Mummy to be a boy. Think that it is going to be the next Danny Green!!

AnnieTom - those things are really hard to find. And when you do they are too expensive. I ended up stumbling on them from the US for $4 a pair (JC Penney online). Bought enough for every bedroom - now deciding whether to use them in all the rooms or not?

MagicJ - I love nurseries too. And moreso the bundles that go in them. Pity this room won't actually be used for at least 6mths or so - we always have the babe room in with us in a cradle until they become mobile (DD was 15mths, DS was 9mths).
So pretty I love the touches of green and wood, just wonderful!!

I'm banking on a boy too
SOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful kyton
what a happy gorgeous room for baby kyton
If it's being cruel to you it's definitely a boy, I actually asked to have my C section done early because I couldn't stand the pain of the little
"baby" kicking the damn soccer ball around in there...OMG
I remember it so well
"take it out now"
I pleaded...and they did just that
Less then 4wks to go now - and hoping to not have to do the whole c-section bit again (altho' if OB tells me it is a whopper then may change my mind

Just trying to decide whether to buy a glider rocking chair for the midnight feeds.........might be more comfy then sitting on a lounge.

LOve the green
Less then 4wks to go now - and hoping to not have to do the whole c-section bit again (altho' if OB tells me it is a whopper then may change my mind

Just trying to decide whether to buy a glider rocking chair for the midnight feeds.........might be more comfy then sitting on a lounge.

4 weeks before we never hear from you again
take it easy
Kyton the room is very nice. Did you make everything yourself? The frames match everything else which makes me ask. Everything goes together perfectly. Congrats and best wishes for a healthy baby boy or girl.
Just trying to decide whether to buy a glider rocking chair for the midnight feeds.........might be more comfy then sitting on a lounge.

Ooooh yes, do get one if you can - DH got me one as a "birth" present for our first bub and I just love it. Ours was a traditional rocker though, not a glider, just because I've always loved them. It's huge and padded and upholstered in a gorgeous blue velvet - sooooooo comfy. I still use it to rock DS, even though I stopped **** feeding him a few months ago.

The few times I've had to be without it due to renos or moving or just staying with other people, it's been the main thing I've missed. You've got to have a good chair in a nursery, I think, it's a must!!!
Kyton the room is very nice. Did you make everything yourself? The frames match everything else which makes me ask. Everything goes together perfectly. Congrats and best wishes for a healthy baby boy or girl.

Dollar - no everything was bought. Got to love online shopping. The furniture has been used now by DD (4) then DS (2) now new baby. Buy good quality and it will always last.
Thought that I would post some more little photos.....

Exterior facade - this is our biggest expense outside other then the pool. The concrete area is massive but will come in handy for parking, parties and the kids riding their bikes. Balance of front yard will be turfed with more garden beds containing even more frangipanis.

My walk in pantry - which is currently a work in progress.

The main ensuite.

The laundry and attached powder room.

Gorgeous!!! I love the ensuite and the facade especially - but it is all wonderful

The concreted area will be fantastic for the kids to ride/play ball etc on!!

Well done
I love your ensuite!
I so love that bath
It looks amazing kyton, I love the huge front drive, gorgeous laundry lovey, you must be very relieved to have it done before BK comes along.
OMG.......that ensuite looks like it came out of a magazine, kyton !!!!
And I love your use of green. It is sooo different to what we usually see now - what a WOW of a statement!!
Your entry is fantastic - love the doors & portico - sooo inviting.
Oooh, that green caesarstone in your laundry - yummy!!!

It all looks beautiful. Your facade is just gorgeous
Thank you all for your lovely comments.

We were talking with a friend yesterday who just completed an EB home. We both were discussing if we would change anything in the home and to be honest there was nothing that I would change interior / exterior wise.

And yep the colours may not be too everyone's liking but I love the green in the laundry and really the only "beigey-browny" section of the house is our main bedroom / dressing room / ensuite - which I feel is both serene and not too feminine for DH.
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