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Quoting Ettique

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on a few forums I belong to they discourage the quoting of photos in replys and also massive long quote trains with all the previous quotes in them..

maybe there could be a policy on this some posts are getting very long esp with people quoting a post with more then 4 photos on them...

there are times when you need to quote the previous people in a post but no more then 2 others..
I agree to this as well.
Good thing about VB4.02 is that when you quote someone with pics it just shows a link to an attachment or their link to the photo.
It's all automatic.
Yep the inclusion of photos when quoting can be a little repetitive.
there are times when you need to quote the previous people in a post but no more then 2 others..

I think there is a limit to the number of "quotes within a quote" you can do...the forum wouldn't let me quote someone once as they had quotes within their post...I think it might be 4 or 5, but can't remember exactly.

Totally agree with you on quoting photos...can make a post very long and is not usually necessary.
It's a good idea for us to edit out unnecessary wording and photos from quotes. Keeps thing easy to follow and tidy.
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