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Good and bad Real Estate Agents in Melton?

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Hi everyone

My first time here. I currently have a rental in Melton. I self manage it but am wanting to find a managing agent. Can anyone give me advice on who the good and not so good managing agents are in Melton?

Any help appreciated.


I am no help whatsoever but thought to pop in and say hello as I am in the area
there is another thread for Arnold's Creek with a lot of locals on there, quite old but if u post in there some may still be around Homeone and respond? Good luck!

You will be up against it to find a good one. Whomever you engage, if you do not proactively manage the agent, particulalry with inspections (which I suggest you attend yourself occasionally) , you are leaving yourself wide open to trouble. Adopting a set and forget mentality is not an option.
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