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Power lines impact on residential land value or children

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Hey friends,

We are thinking to buy a new set of land in clyde north. After checking, I found that the land is at close proximity to hugh voltave 500KV - powelines in clyde north, about 230 mtrs away.

Need some advise

There are some myths or claims without scientific evidence suggesting that living close or under the hugh volatge power lines may increase a risk of lukemia in kids.
There are alos some other myths about heart disease and other diseases if you live close to or right below the power lines.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your time!
Our mortgage broker advised us to stay away from properties near high tension power lines as banks don't like them and may insist upon higher deposit. He then went on saying that "it is not a very good choice of living under or near power lines anyways." I didn't think of anything then, however, I would definitely avoid them due to in any off chance accident from those power lines suddenly collapsing on the house.
230 m is a huge distance and most probably you will be quite safe.

Buy EMF meter at Aliexpress and simply measure EMF levels at your proposed house site.
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