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Hi everyone,I’m new here and going to build my house in Adelaide.I am worry about my behind neighbour’s double storey house overshadowing my whole backyard.My neighbour double storey side wall will blocking whole my north side backyard.May i know how to calculate the shadow of double storey house. i am worry about the cold winter ,i will lost all the sun
You will know definitively in 7 weeks but if you can't wait and know the distances, then read the thread below.

Have you checked to see if they have submitted plans to council that have the shading diagrams?
Hi there, they have started building their house now.My house is still under pre-construction progress,probably start the construction on early june.Recently i visited my site ,i just found out behind my house ,the neighbour is building double storey.Council never inform us.I think whole the infront 3 houses will get affected by this double storey house during winter time-overshadowing.urgh~~~i think we cant do anything for it as they start building before us
Unfortunately solar access is more about your design and block location, as long as they build within standard setbacks, not much you can object to. Make sure you optimise your north windows and minimise unshaded east/west windows

Unfortunately solar access is more about your design and block location, as long as they build within standard setbacks, not much you can object to. Make sure you optimise your north windows and minimise unshaded east/west windows

Thanks for your reply.i think solar wont be any problem for our block.i am just no as happy as the coldest winter time i no getting any sun through my north side which is whole my family ,outdoor backyard.
SaveH2O shared a thread with a great site with you. The shadow on the north side is not the worst that can be, especially since you know about it even before building your own house.
Have you checked to see if they have submitted plans to council that have the shading diagrams?

Shadow diagrams are required for Planning Approval.

If no Planning approval was required, then there wont be a shadow study.
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