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Drain In Kitchen For Wall Oven

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We're building a new house and we have said that we will supply our own appliances with the builder to install them.

We have specified a "plumbed" steam oven in the kitchen.

Today I looked at the installation manual on the internet and it needs a plumbed water supply (not a problem, they can put a tap anywhere) BUT it ALSO needs a drain.

The picture in the manual shows the oven drain connecting to the fitting under the sink where you normally drain your dishwasher to.

Not a problem....

The problem is that our oven will be on a wall and the nearest sink is far away on the 'Island bench'.

So my question is, when the first-fix plumber does the first-fix DWV pipework is there such a thing as a 'sink' drainpipe that ISN'T connected to a sink that they can put in the wall to allow the oven drain connection to drain into ?

Hopefully the question is clear??


Reckon the next trend in kitchens will be 2 plumbed steam ovens!
Just advise builder which appliances you're installing along with installation manual and point out oven requires a water outlet & drain, also check specs on your hotplate if it requires 3 phase connection (if going electric).
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Yeah mine about 9 metres long and 8 wide with slope of 25% at one point but the end point of the outlet is past the side of garage and if he concretes allowing for…

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Agreed. I just found out today the certifier has not given the final sign off.

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Grab a hose, insert it at the top of the inlet/down pipe and turn the water on and see where the water is escaping from. Then you'll know.

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