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Floor plan advice

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Hi guys

Can i please have any input on my plans,thanks. ( hope the picture uploads)

Seriously? What are you looking for? Are you not happy? Is it a project home, building designer or architect design? Where's North? Do you think it is too big, too small, just right? Is the land flat or sloped? There are a number of dimensions not visible: how close are the boundaries? Do I need to go on?
Seriously? What are you looking for? Are you not happy? Is it a project home, building designer or architect design? Where's North? Do you think it is too big, too small, just right? Is the land flat or sloped? There are a number of dimensions not visible: how close are the boundaries? Do I need to go on?

Oops sorry, just want a basic general view on layout if there is anything people would change etc

It looks like a pretty standard design: logically laid out and nothing out of place, but nothing too exciting either. Do you want to change it and is that something you can afford, given that every change will likely cost? The most obvious question I think many will have is about orientation. Is North to the bottom-left of your picture?
Really good layout, easy to zone up with heating, air conditioning, can see all of your house been used.

Personal thing but I'd add a door before the laundry and kitchen to shut off the bedrooms

Seriously? What are you looking for? Are you not happy? Is it a project home, building designer or architect design? Where's North? Do you think it is too big, too small, just right? Is the land flat or sloped? There are a number of dimensions not visible: how close are the boundaries? Do I need to go on?

Bit harsh I think

Overall the design is fairly standard. One thing I really dislike is the refrigerator located across the main walk way from the kitchen. That would be a massive pain.
Yes I also would not like the fridge on the other side of the hallway. Personally I would make a bigger broom cupboard there, put microwave under island bench, move cooktop a little in to current microwave tower space and put fridge in top right corner of kitchen.
With your media room, I would put double hinged doors on and soundscreen insulation in the walls, as it's right next to your living the noise from the media might be too loud.
I would put a CSD on your laundry, as accessing your broom cupboard will be a pain otherwise. Especially if that's where you will keep your vacuum cleaner. That broom cupboard def needs to be bigger!
There is def the space to make your kitchen island an L-shape too, if you moved the island out in line with the end of the dishwasher. I think it might look better. You could do 2 different types of stone and make one thicker- quite on trend at the moment it seems

Building Monte Carlo 40- Wisdom homes
Another thing that is popular, is to push the kitchen exterior wall out 600mm. Then your cabinets sit flush with the dining wall, looks neater, and it would give you heaps more space in your pantry, if you have enough room on your block to do it.

Building Monte Carlo 40- Wisdom homes
Bit harsh I think

Maybe, but don't you think that a bit of an introduction and context from the OP would be helpful?

Looking through her or his past posts I can see that they are building a project home and they thought the cost quoted for recessing their sliding doors was too great. Every change suggested here will cost, so it would be nice to know what they are concerned about and their capacity to absorb the potential costs before making suggestions that might be completely unrealisable.
Seperate the ensuite toilet
WIR too big reduce and use space on something else... shower
area rectangular if you are not using it for 1 person better go for square showerscreen and utilise space for seperating the toilet same goes if u had 2 vanities many take that option but i would say 1 vanity is enough

Bit harsh I think

Maybe, but don't you think that a bit of an introduction and context from the OP would be helpful?

Looking through her or his past posts I can see that they are building a project home and they thought the cost quoted for recessing their sliding doors was too great. Every change suggested here will cost, so it would be nice to know what they are concerned about and their capacity to absorb the potential costs before making suggestions that might be completely unrealisable.

I agree that more direction is helpful but they didn't ask for the quality of their post to be critiqued, just for help with their plan

I agree that more direction is helpful but they didn't ask for the quality of their post to be critiqued, just for help with their plan

Actually, I critiqued their plan to you, but my reply to the OP was a series of questions designed to determine parameters - otherwise I might have gone on about about how the lines were too thick, the font was all wrong and I didn't like the colour of the paper that it was printed on. Sorry, I spend too much time on forums and my patience with open ended posts from people who seem to spend little time doing just a modicum of their own research wears a bit thin. I'll unsubscribe from this one and move along now...
Thanks you all for your input:-)

Can you change the ensuite shower door to open the other way as it currently opens onto the towel rail and will block your access to a towel.

The kitchen layout seems so impractical especially with the position of the fridge and dishwasher.
Can you change the ensuite shower door to open the other way as it currently opens onto the towel rail and will block your access to a towel.

The kitchen layout seems so impractical especially with the position of the fridge and dishwasher.

Yes the ensuite needs a CSD like the WIR next to it. Then the towel rail could be moved.

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