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Lapidary Wheel

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I purchased a box of odds and sods from the Local Recycling Depot. There was an almost 6" Lapidary Wheel. I had no idea what type of wheel it as. I have a 6' Bench Grinder with two stones on rough the other fine. Not fine enough to sharpen knives etc. I fond out from the Web that it is for stones. My question is what else can you grind with it? Would it be suitable for sharpening Wood Turning Chisels?
You should be able to. Most that I have seen are diamond based to cope with the extremely hard rocks and semi-precious stones that lapidarists polish. They should also be a pretty fine grit so you should be able to get your chisels razor sharp.

How are you going with clamping up the timber for your hives ?

G'day Stewie,
Thank you for your reply. I am going to make a Sharpening Jig so that I can use the Lapidary Stone.
As for the clamping the hive parts together. I found that if after I placed the two clamps on there was was a bow, I placed a heavy weight in the centre so that it laid flat. I leave it until it is set and then put it through my planner. I have made 8 now. All squared, painted and ready to go.
Cheers Perry
You know if you want to speed things up you can make cheap wooden clamps so you can glue more of the hive components together in one go. They are more of a wedge type that we used when glueing up timber benchtops or wide material as I only have a few sash clamps and a half a dozen pipe clamps.
Simple to make and you can usually make them from offcuts and left over timber. If you are interested I can whip up a quick diagram in my CAD program.

Hi again Stewie,
I have seen ways of making clamps on You Tube. If you would not mind I would appreciate seeing your diagram. What is a Cad program?
Cheers Perry
CAD - Computer Aided Design. How 99% of guys draw house plans these days. Long gone are the drafting board, set square and pens.


G'day Stewie,
That looks great and easy to make. I go to the Recycling Depot. Every Tuesday. I can pick up timber and dress it to size. Thank you very much. I must have a go at this CAD
Cheers Perry
Back again Stewie,
I looked on the Web there are so many DAD Programs. Which one do you suggest that I install that is free and just does the basic designs. Just the small projects. I really do not want to design an Englishman's Castle.
Cheers Perry
If you were looking at drawing house plans for a renovation etc - SweetHome 3D ( as a few others on this forum have done ) but if you were after something to draw bee hives, a table etc, Google Sketchup would be better. Bit of a learning curve but there are lots of tutorials online.

G'day Stewie,
I added something to your drawing. How can I add it to a message. I tried copy and paste.
Cheers Perry
You need to upload the image to a photo hosting site like Photobucket.
Once it is on there, hover your mouse over the transparent bars on the top left of that photo and click on the Share button.
A new window will appear.
Click on the line alongside the IMG tag. That will copy it.
Just paste that into your thread here.


The ones I made I'm pretty sure I screwed and glued them as they were all for a couple of benchtops 650mm wide and were for a one-off use for a mate.
Bolting them would make them more adjustable though and re-useable too.

In posting that photo you have too many img text tags in that line of code which is why it doesn't appear in your post.
This is what you have posted...

Remove the IMG ( and brackets around it ) text from the front and the second /img text ( and brackets around it ) at the end and your photo will appear.

G'day Stewie,
I am pleased you were able to see it anyway. I think I will make them with bolts so that I can adjust them.
I really appreceiate all you help.
Cheers Perry
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