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Insect bugging me

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Hi All,

I have been finding this black insects every now and then in some of the places of our home. I made some further research and I think they are called "Earwigs". See link below: ... bourne.jpg

I guess they are coming from the air vents. We have an evaporative cooling.

Anyone who has a similar experience on this? Any suggestion to control this? Will hiring a pest control will help?

yes a quote from the local pest controlers/exterminators will determine the type and species of the problem.
and course of action.
are they attracted to light?
definitely you'll going to need experts on this one. Looks like they are very dangerous specially for the kids. whats the size of this thing?
Looks like they are very dangerous specially for the kids.

Jiminy, the common earwig we have here is only 20mm long and a lot more scared of us than we are of them. I think they are plant eaters and can be found attacking new plants and seedlings in the vege garden ( that's where I've seen them before at our place anyway - them and damned slaters).
If you are talking about the species that grows up to 75mm long, well that's another story ! Like the one on this page about three quarters of the way down that says " Pictures - Click to enlarge "
A few good tips on how to control them as well.
I'd make a few traps outside your vents and empty them regularly.

Plant an insect bomb in the house, leave the house for a full day, and when you come home see if that gets rid of those annoying insects?

Hopefully that will work and you can save your money on paying a pest controller.
I use insect bombs in my garage to kill spiders. I've also thrown a few under the house.

They seem to like bathrooms, we get them here in Perth. They are completely harmless though, the dog plays with them until they are dead, problem solved.
I've never heard of them being dangerous to humans. Annoying maybe.

We get a regular 12 month house spray and that seems to clear up any problems.

But - I wouldn't go overboard unless they are in plague proportions ...
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