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Notice of Completion

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My builder has final issued a notice that the house is 'almost complete'. My bank is asking for a proper 'notice of completion' before booking an inspection or drawing final payment.

My question .... What should a "Notice of Completion' look like?
I have a letter stating the house is 'close to completion and reaching settlement' attached to this is everything that should be attached to a Letter of Completion such as the OcCert and Final Invoice.

Is my bank just being pedantic? Or is this not enough to warrant a 'Notice of Completion'? I understand that the bank has the final say, so whatever they ask for I have to provide. But I would like to know what it is meant to look like
Here in QLD (not sure where you are?) we get a 'practical completion notice', and it's a Master Builder's document. I believe the date on this notice can be pre or post dated. If you're not in QLD, there may be an equivalent in your state.
Here in QLD (not sure where you are?) we get a 'practical completion notice', and it's a Master Builder's document. I believe the date on this notice can be pre or post dated. If you're not in QLD, there may be an equivalent in your state.
Oh sorry I am in Victoria. I have tried googling for a sample, but can't seem to find anything. I might have to wait until Monday to speak bank and find out exactly what they are after, the lady said that the letter I received was too vague and didn't have the wording that she looks for.
The normal situation is that you carry out a Practical Completion Inspection PCI (See ... nspection/ ) in which all the items that require to be fixed are identified by you or your inspecctor.

A handover date can then be fixed with the bank arranging their inspection before handover
late completion penalty

Building A New House

Like I said the Occupancy Certificate is not the tollgate that marks the completion of the house. The contract defines…

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