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Brick Pier movement and on an angle

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Just put an offer on a house and it was accepted. Had the building and pest inspection done today and the inspector said the main problem is that a brick pier holding up the carport has had some movement and is on a slight angle.

What needs to be done to fix it and how much am I in for?

The house is about 30 years old.
That looks like an interesting (expensive) problem.

The problem is the heavy roof structure is applying a substantial horizontal outward force to the top of the brick column as well as a vertical one.

The structure should be either a portal frame, or use trusses rather than beams to support the roof

My solution would be something along the lines of:
Replace the brick pier with a sloping wall panel the same height as the smaller brick pier
Fabricate a truss to take the roof load.

Sorry if I haven't been too clear but its quite a complicated structural engineering issue and you will NEED to engage a professional engineer to help you reach a suitable solution
Thanks a lot for that info. I see what you mean by the horizontal force..

When you say expensive, can you give me a ballpark figure? The inspector mentioned something about underpinning..

I'll hopefully have the engineer come on Tuesday to look at it, or should I cut my losses and end the contract?
I don't think underpining is the solution.

Just a guess really, but somewhere in the $4-8,000 range for something I would be happy with in the long term.
Ok that's a lot more than I'd hoped but expected as much.

I'll just share here what one builder I spoke to said (about the photos). He says he doesn't see an issue as there's no cracks in the brick. He reckons that if it's moved that much it must've cracked by now.... Sorta makes sense to me but there's still the gap there, and no gaps around the other piers.
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