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Is this a gully trap?

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Is this our gully trap? Should there be a gaping hole on the side? Or is this perfectly normal?

Hmm, I'm not sure, our gully trap looks like this (in front of our driveway, minus the pipes):

And then we have a long skinny one for in front of the garage, just looks like grates.

I would think the gaping hole is where the water goes in...? Or does the circle on top come out and act as a drain? In which case, I'm not sure about the gaping hole.
We have nothing anywhere that looks like that picture. But I don't think the picture you have posted can be a gully trap because it looks as if downpipes are going into it and downpipes should go into stormwater not gully traps. Unless this is a hybrid of the two. The circle on top of ours seems to correspond to a pipe directly underneath it. I think the gap serves no purpose but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding our drainage.
That's an inspection point so you can take the lid off and rod the pipes if blocked etc. the other person was correct that is a gulley pot/ trap.

A gully is basically an inlet to allow surface run offs to go into which has a swan style neck not to dissimilar to the back of a wc so you will always have a level of water in it.

Those are not down pipes they Re the waste from a sink.
Thanks for that Chripark69. So then this must be our gully trap. Where is the swan style neck?

Nope that looks like an overflow relief gully (ORG) It should be set below the floor level of your house.

The idea is that if the sewer blocks the sewage will spill out of this rather than overflow into your shower tray.
Nope that looks like an overflow relief gully (ORG) It should be set below the floor level of your house.

The idea is that if the sewer blocks the sewage will spill out of this rather than overflow into your shower tray.

Above post is correct.

The gully will be just either a square or round grid you will not see the swan neck as that is underground.
Here you are similar to this

We have no gully trap then. Do you need one?
Follow the waste pipes from your basins or kitchen sink if they come out of the wall and down to a grate that's probably your gulley if the pipes are in the slab as part of the prelays then you might not have one as they will be plumbed into your drainage system.
Hi Chripark69,

The two basins are on internal walls and the pipes disappear into the walls and the kitchen sink is on an island and the pipe goes down into the floor so I suppose the pipes were plumbed into the drainage system and this explains the absence of a gully trap.
Your fine don't worry about it. Your wastes will run under the slab to your drainage. Your down pipes will go into soak wells so a gully is not a necessity.
Your down pipes will go into soak wells so a gully is not a necessity.


Don't go looking for soak wells - they are not applicable in Victoria.
Yes, thanks for that. I have been searching the net for what a soak well is and beginning to wonder what is going on with the drainage here! One less question mark in my head.
Basically all a soak well is , is a chamber the water from your guttering runs into and it then soaks away into the ground.
Thanks for the explanation chripark69. I think all of our storm water pipes feed into the Council's storm water system and the water is carried away.
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