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Storm Damage - Roofing

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We had major damage to our property (90% off roof off) which has been covered by insurance and paid out to us. Our builder has now broken down the costs for us as we may get serveral contractors in. He has now quoted that to replace the roof (colorbond) facias, capping. battons etc. will be $52,000.00 + GST. This is for a 240m3 home. This seems excessive to me. Now worried we are going to be short on other trades. Any advise whether this amount seems fair & reasonable?
90% off roof off

When you say that , are you talking just the roof sheeting or trusses and /or rafters too ?
And what about the eaves lining ? Is that intact or does that have to be replaced/repaired as well?

Roof sheeting, roof batons, facias, ridge caping & flashing is what is being replaced.
That does seem a lot.
I would have thought that $20,000 would have covered it.
Can the builder work entirely off the roof or does he have to get scaffold in to do the fascia ?
That may have a large impact on the price.

This is for a 240m3 home.

Is that the floor area of your house ( presuming it is a single storey dwelling ) or the roof area ?

My house is about 7m wide by 15m long and it was about 10k to do that. Get another quote
I'm even more confused with your insurance deal than with the roof details. How much did they pay you to do all the fixes and how did they come up with the amount, do you have some sort of scope of work that shows what they based their payout on?
Did you have the option to do it all via them, so you don't need to organise or cost and chase anything?
I'm even more confused with your insurance deal than with the roof details. How much did they pay you to do all the fixes and how did they come up with the amount, do you have some sort of scope of work that shows what they based their payout on?
Did you have the option to do it all via them, so you don't need to organise or cost and chase anything?

The bold bit really matters.

How much did they pay you and how did they work it out?

free will
My house is about 7m wide by 15m long and it was about 10k to do that. Get another quote

The design of the roof will impact a lot. If you have a square 7x15 house with no gables/hip ends(roof size105m@), the roof will be cheaper than an 8x4x8 L shape house (roof size 64m2) with gables, hip ends etc...
Thanks everyone - got another quote $18K - seems more reasonable
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