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Mudbrick feedback

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Just wanting to know if anyone currently lives in a mudbrick home or had a mudbrick home? There is one for sale in our area and really have no idea about them. How well do they last? I've heard of bricks washing away etc.

Any advice info would be greatly appreciated.

Googled mudbrick --
Thanks for that, I have googled them but just after some advice from people with first hand experience with them. Cheers.
With all due respect to this forum, why not ask in --


You might get lucky
I have a sister who is still living in a mudbrick home that her husband built 32 years ago, brick by brick. It's as beautiful now as it was then. It stands high on a hill and cops unbelievable wind and wild weather, but is as solid as a rock (well, it IS a rock in a way) and the internal temperature is pretty constant year round.

Mud bricks don't just wash away. There are ancient tribal mudbrick buildings and mosques which are still standing hundreds of years after they were built. I once visited the ancient mudbrick buildings of the Pueblo Indians in Taos USA - they are over 1000 years old and have been continuously inhabited.

I'd buy a well built mudbrick home in a heartbeat.
Great post Amadio
Friends of ours built a mud brick home 20-odd years ago and had no problems with weather affecting the structure. The finished walls are rendered anyway - I don't know if there are different methods, but their render was a mixture of mud, cement and paint, so the bricks were quite well sealed.

I loved that house, was quite sad when they sold it.
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