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What do we need to know about building a Kit home?

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We have been looking far & wide for a plan that suits our taste and our block of land in the Barossa Valley.
Having looked at all the project homes on offer we have considered a few but not enough to commit, they are not quite right even after modifications. I have come across Harkaway homes in Vic, and have found the perfect home, the Williamstown, with a slight modification to fit the block.
Harkaway will errect to lockup in Vic, so they will supply the kit without the errection fee, still waiting on the cost of the kit & delivery fee.
We are considering a Duragal flooring system rather than a slab as we have a slight slope right to left and we think the house woud look better with a few steps up to the front veranda.
Now the next step, what do we need to consider /be aware of in building a kit home?
Should we become owner builders?
This home will be our retirement home and is our first experience at building so we are complete novices
, so we are seeking your advice.
Many Thanks,
Depending on how much slope you have on your block would it not be better to excavate and level an area so you dont have to climb so many steps in your retirement years?

It will be much easier to erect a kit home on a nice flat slab over Duragal

I cant help you with 'owner builders' as Ive been retired and out of the building industry too long and dont know what the SA licencing and compliance laws are now. It may pay you to call OCBA licencing and sound them out
We are building a kit in NSW, but we are using a local builder. I did look at owner-building, but you need to have the time to do it (which I don't).

Using a kit and independent builder has given us lots of flexibility - the builder is happy to do things or to let us use alternate suppliers where we want. My father-in-law built with a package builder and he had to use their suppliers and trades ($$$).

Our neighbours did owner-build and although they saved money they did have trouble with tradesmen (poor work, not turning up). Our builder has trades that he has worked with for years and they know that if they stuff him around he won't use them again, so the build has gone smoothly so far.

The other thing to be aware of is that you need a fair bit of capital as you have to pay for the kit independently of the building contract so you can't use a normal construction loan. We were able to buy our block outright and then get a mortgage on it to pay for the kit. We have a standard construction loan to cover the build.

I really want to give you a good reply but don't have time for a full answer right now. In the mean time, check out my thread. We Owner-built a kit home from Kitome on steel piers. We have a slight slope but still leveled the ground. Loved Harkaway homes by the way. Will get back to reply soon, and feel free to ask questions either on here or by PM.
Thankyou, for your comments so far, ideally we would like a builder to errect and complete the build for us. We have been advised that the cost of the project will be about twice the cost of the kit, hopefully that is around the mark, as we will be funding the project from the sale of our existing home.
Raleighfarm I have been following your build, you have a beautiful home, if ours turns out anywhere as lovely we will be very happy. Good point Uncle Arfur about the stairs we had talked about that but we are trying to avoid additional retaining, our neighbours have built and errected a retaining wall but we have been advised that we would need to increase the height. We will organise for the engineering to be done asap, so we know where we stand in regards to footings. Where we propose to build the house the fall is visually about 0.5mtr but to ward the back of the block the fall could be as much as 2mtrs.
Thank you Gandj...glad you like our home (and glad you haven't been scared away by some of the goings on on my thread
). Did you notice that our house is a similar style to the Harkaway Pavilion Roofline? I can't find your particular house on their website, can you put in a direct link?

We were in a good position cost wise as we bought our block and kit (only to lock up though) outright. We did have massive issues with owner building loans although obviously we got there in the end. We went over budget by about $50 000 in the end due to a few unforseen costs but also because our build took so long and prices went up but we also increased the level of inclusions to what we were originally having.

I am a big supporter of steel framing and support off the ground. Having said that we are now getting hairline cracks in the paintwork where skirtings and architraves etc meet. My theory on this is the movement in the house. We get some pretty full on wind here through winter (and that's not including the cyclones in summer) and the house shakes/vibrates where as if we had a timber frame, the movement would be better absorbed. Essentially I am "happy" to accept this just to have the steel frame. I like being off the ground, it helps with cooling in Summer but it also gives a great look to the house.

We cut away and put in a retaining wall because DH wanted it all to look level at the front and we wanted it high enough at the back to have a view and a good set of stairs (again it was about the look of the house).

As for the owner building, it was very hard work for me (as you may have read) and I didn't even do the physical work. Would I do it again? Yes, as now I know so much more, but only if this house burned down and I had to rebuild it
I don't want any other home.

I look forward to following your decisions and eventually your build.
Our kit supplier told us the cost of erection would be about 1.1 times the cost of the kit - and that was pretty much spot on when we got the quotes from the builders, but that didn't include flooring.

Living on acreage though we did have to pay for some additional items such as a waste water system. (about $15k), water tank (about $12k) & pump, power connection (it costs a few thousand to get the power run 120m).

I think in all honesty comparing a build in nth Qld with their Queenslander type design is fairly different to basic designs in SA.

Gandj if you level out an area where there is a 0.5m fall for the slab and push the excess soil from that and the footings excavation toward the back of the block it would possible bury some of that 2m fall
I dont have the floor plan as yet, I requested an information pack and we were only give a sample of the homes on offer, they supplied a few plans but there are alot more on the price list, it is only early days hopefully in the next week we will get more information. From my research on various forums Harkaway seem to have an excellent reputation for both quality & service, I have asked a number of questions which so far has gone unanswered. I will ring them tomorrow and see how we go.
I have received an information pack from Kitome, we like the Glenbrook 24, without rumpus room which we would have as a veranda and delete the side veranda & dinning room as it is a little too wide for our block. Cant wait for the house to sell so we can move forward.
I can vouch for how gorgeous Raleighfarm's home is after a recent visit!
I'd happily move in there with her!
I can't vouch for Kitome's after sales service. I was very disappointed with that and the instructions that weren't very prescriptive. I will point out though that we didn't get a full kit and we erected the kit almost 2 years after purchase due to issues with owner building loans ie difficult to get. I wouldn't say DON'T buy from them but there are some specific questions you will need to ask to ensure that it won't be as difficult for your builder as it was for ours. I can help with that if the time comes.
I can vouch for how gorgeous Raleighfarm's home is after a recent visit!
I'd happily move in there with her!

When should I pick you up from the airport?
Just remember I have to bring 2 more boys next time I come!
I have asked a number of questions which so far has gone unanswered.

This would start alarm bells ringing for me, and perhaps they dont want to be bothered with your business.

Remember, its more difficult dealing with someone interstate
Uncle Arfur
I have asked a number of questions which so far has gone unanswered.

This would start alarm bells ringing for me, and perhaps they dont want to be bothered with your business.

Remember, its more difficult dealing with someone interstate

I would agree there although for me Kitome was in the same state but any significant distance could prove an issue. However doesn't have to be the case. I think barkersontheblock are building a kit from PAAL and so far the support he has had has been good.

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