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What has been stolen from your build?

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We are building our very first home, it is supposed to be an exciting time of our lives but at the moment I dread what will happen next!

Our Electrical pre wire was done on Monday, between Wednesday night and early Thursday morning some thieving scum have hacked it out, apparently whoever stole it was after the copper? I know that it isn't the end of the world and that it is being replaced but its not the point its disheartening to think that people will go to such deperate lengths for a pittance amount of copper, honestly I am so peeved at this it now sets us back and has to be redone, but who is to say that it won't happen again? Another thing that has really peeved me off was I was informed of this from the plumber when I went to meet the fencing mob to get a quote. Our SS has never once rang to introduce himself or let us know how everything is going

So please let me hear your stories.
hey luckyfamily

Very sorry to hear and its very disheartening hearing about it let alone walking into your own place to find it has had things stolen and yet you have not even lived in it yet .This is very much the same story for us and we are well under way with our build but we have had our entire placed plastered and doors all hung inside , they managed to get into the roof and smash the plaster off the cieling and throw our ducted heater through the cieling and take off with it , i was shocked when i first saw it , i honestly had a idea about someone falling through the plaster at first but they knew what they wanted and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth every time i see it this big great hole in the cieling , yes the builder has to deal with the paperwork and repair it but u know in your mind that some thieving *** has been there and i bet its the appretices or the sub contractors themselves that work on site coz no one else know about it untill they do some work there ....

hope it all works out for you , cant say it wont happen again either but fingers crossed .
We've had 6 custom made windows stolen from our site...very disheartening! It took another three weeks for replacement windows to be made
For us, heavy wooden support for the garage and apparently there was a mistake and the water heater was installed before handover. So that was taken of course.

The painful part is when it delays things and the builder is un remourseful because they have been hit as well.
We had our water meter stolen as well as the laundry and front door frames.

We had our fuse box stolen and it occurred just before handover.
They did a quick fix and we only found out about it when the day after handover we lost complete power to the house and they had to send electrician out to install a new fuse box and make sure everything was correctly done.

We had somebody come and break all the fuse switches and cut the main power supplies to our house. Cost a few hundred dollars to fix. So far after that incident nothing else has happened. The elec seems to thing it was more vandalism as nothing had actually been taken. It's just annoying, costly and delays the build process. I just can't understand how somebody can't see the suspicious activity and not report it. I work law enforcement in the town were building and patrol around all the local sites everyday, nightshift and drive past our site to and from work, sometimes as late as 3 am. It's very frustrating to say the least that we a work so hard to build our dreams and sine low life just wants to make a few quick bucks.
We were lucky all we lost was the tin of feature colour paint after the wall was painted. I think one of the tradies must of liked the colour.

But we live in a Body Corporate Estate which has security camera on every entrance and exit into the estate so theft on site here is low.

Cheers Lou
We've been reasonably lucky. A broken window during the build. A roll of black plastic stolen (pretty sure it was our neighbour a few doors up, who at the same our plastic disappeared, had a roll of plastic appear on his site - he wrapped it over his windows that were stacked so they didn't get damaged in the rain!!!). Two pairs of Aaron's workboots were stolen from our front door step a few weeks ago.
You're gonna laugh:

* An island bench (!)
* 9 metres of carpet
* Gas hot water booster panel

The first two happened at the same time, and all they left of the bench was the kicker boards, a nicely cut finish and a pile of sawdust. The carpet was just ripped up, as was the underlay. You can't tell me it was your everyday street-grade crook or kids - it would've been messy. More likely tradies (i'm pointing the finger !!).
It set us back an extra week, but to the builder's credit, they got onto it pretty quickly and everything's back to normal now.

The gas booster panel was installed only a week and a half ago, that too has since gone but being replaced. Once we're in it should be fine, and put a gate at the front of the dead side.
Only thing so far is the leftover house bricks, SS said we could have them so we moved them to the back fence and they grew legs and walked away. They'd been there for weeks and you couldn't see from the street, funny how they were there when the roofies started and dissappeared at that same time as said roofies
My sense of humour was stolen

We moved back in a few weeks and I've found it again

You're gonna laugh:

* An island bench (!)
* 9 metres of carpet
* Gas hot water booster panel

The first two happened at the same time, and all they left of the bench was the kicker boards, a nicely cut finish and a pile of sawdust. The carpet was just ripped up, as was the underlay. You can't tell me it was your everyday street-grade crook or kids - it would've been messy. More likely tradies (i'm pointing the finger !!).
It set us back an extra week, but to the builder's credit, they got onto it pretty quickly and everything's back to normal now.

The gas booster panel was installed only a week and a half ago, that too has since gone but being replaced. Once we're in it should be fine, and put a gate at the front of the dead side.

Oh my goodness, the trouble some people go to. I am absolutely astounded

As far as I know nothing has been taken from our site, but I can't even get into our house as it's like fort knox
What we have had stolen seems to be small compared to others I'm sorry to hear others have been through this as well. We live 25 minutes away from our site and it's a new stage of the estate so not many people living their as yet. I have resigned to the fact that it is out of my control until we move in
Lucky....we're about the same distance - but the funny thing is both these incidents happened while everyone around us (on the street facing side) was in ! But hey, if it looks like a tradie and walks like a tradie - IT MUST BE A TRADIE !
My sense of humour was stolen

We moved back in a few weeks and I've found it again


Love it sums up exactly how I feel
- and I didn't even go through the hard yards of a new build just a reno
All we had stolen was a manhole cover ????????
What about things dumped on your site you don't want?!

I've just had soil dumped on my pile of soil, costing me more money for removal!
i had nothing stolen.

i built with metricon.

had no security fencing.

but i built in country victoria.

country life has an advantage.
I also had nothing stolen! But then my tradies loved my SS - I had some of them tell me that themselves unprompted.

BTW temp fencing doesn't stop stuff being stolen as the are so easy to get past - all you need to do is lift and pull
i had nothing stolen.

i built with metricon.

had no security fencing.

but i built in country victoria.

country life has an advantage.

Definitely. Had nothing stolen, nothing dumped...but I am SS so am there ALL the time. They have no idea when I am turning up. But then we also live in a small town and news travels VERY fast.
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