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inspiration needed for facade makeover. photo included

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we plan to replace roof with colourbond and re-do the front fence, im leaning towards a rendered lowline wall with horizontal slat inserts, so just sorta stuck for colours i guess. ultimately i need to make sure when we paint the exterior shortly it will match up with the intended new roof when we do it.

So what colour have you decided for your roof?
black or a dark grey.
If that is a terracotta roof, then I am of the opinion that you should get it cleaned and repointed. Terracotta is far too good to throw away just like that. If it is in fact a concrete roof, I personally wouldn't go for Colorbond, unless I was getting a light colour, as it fades and looks very ordinary after a few years. I think Zincalume has a more traditional look to it (and on the plus side, ages nicely).

In terms of cladding, why not stick with the old-school look and perhaps Hardiplank the house? Or paint it as is - I think it's very cute. Also, you're lucky to have what look like the original windows in the house. So many old houses were slaughtered in the 70's and 80's by aluminium windows.

I am of the same opinion as Lotte. Perhaps planting roses along the front fence will make your place look colorful. Also the driveway.... a strip of grass in the middle.. to add greenery (runners from the nature strip are a quick and easy way) and paint the front and the existing fence.
I wonder about the noise factor with colourbond roofs.. especially when it comes pouring down in the middle of the night.
Good luck with your renovation!!
I gotta agree with the latter posts.... the roofing material looks OK. Is there a problem with the roof? I reckon the old 'if it aint broke-don't fix it' rule may apply here.

We built about 10 years ago, and went with colourbond (the lighter red colour). It has faded considerably, and in hind-sight, wasn't one of our best choices. If your place has decent terracotta roof, maybe have them cleaned and sealed.

If you want to have colourbond, go for zincalume.

yeh it is terracotta tiles guys, but they are as old as the house and not in real good shape, quite brittle with plenty of cracks and leaks, a friend in the trade told us we were better off replacing it than fixing it

the windows are indeed cedar and are in top nick though on the inside
My 2cents...

Go with a dark roof, perhaps a charcoal or black and either tile of colourbond.

Clad the front and side walls with blueboard and render them all the way to the ground (hiding the bricks at the base) I would render with a high stipple (I think thats what is is called) and in a tanny / beigey colour.

Keep the doors and windows as original and just take them back to the origianl wood. ie strip off all the years of paint and go with a nice clear stain to highlight the wood.

Depending on how much you like the fence you could ditch it all together and replace it with a stone / succulent feature garden at the front (Low maitenance and low water requirement)

The driveway I would clean and paint it in a colour to match the roof i.e a charcoal colour etc.

Just an idea...

CobyLee, there's a thread on the Building a New House forum, started on 25/3, entitled "Roof colour in the thermal equation" ... I strongly advise you to read it! I don't think you'll get a definitive answer on light vs dark rooves, but it does highlight some of the other factors (beyond aesthetics) to take into account.

It looks as though your lovely little house has the potential to be a real hot box in summer, so unless you do something structural to counteract all that heat that accumulates via your black roof, you're going to be (a) very hot or (b) very poor after paying for all your air conditioning.

Personally, I can't stand black rooves - I find them terribly oppressive, like the roof is bearing down on the building. It creates a dualism of house versus roof. I reckon a medium or lighter roof would maintain the integrity of your house.

And speaking of integrity, that fence is great in a retro kind of way! And it looks to be in relatively good condition - no kinks or huge cracks? If so, I'd patch it up and paint it and spend the money I saved on the garden. Unlike Matt, I'm thinking soft low growing flowering gums and indigenous grasses - the house doesn't need more starkness! You've a great blank canvas for your garden in any case.

In general, I'm with Lotte ... I'd work with the house, not against it. Painting it is cheaper and will probably help to retain the value of the house (financially and aesthetically) in the longer term. Otherwise, it's gonna look like just another house that got rendered in 2007. (I'm waiting with baited breath to know what most of those houses look like in 2017 ... there's very little quality rendering around from what I can see).

One final comment, a black roof is very much a statement roof! Are you particularly subject to changing tastes and trends? (I reckon most of us are much more conditioned by trends than we think)

If your tastes are likely to change (or you want to resell in the next 7 years), it's much safer to achieve the colour and look you want at this moment in time by using accessories (pots and plants and painted furniture) or even different colour trims, and stick to a neutral base.

But that's me, and you're you and you're the person who'll be arriving there every day.

Hope you're delighted with whatever you choose.

Best wishes


Laughing at self here ... I read this post last night and didn't feel the need to chuck in my two bob's worth, but it must have been on my mind cos I woke up this morning and remembered the other thread, and have now spent 20 minutes thinking and writing! Isn't it funny what grabs!
Yep the black roof is bad feng shui tooo.......
Hi cobylee

It might help if you look at your neighbours homes around you to help decide on don't want to look exactly the same but you don't want to stand out like a sore thumb either. There are some great grey based tones in the colourbond roof selection......WINDSPRAY is popular at the moment and tones in well with the grey based neutral schemes being used currently. IRONSTONE is a fabulous grey based purple if you were looking for a grey with a bit of difference. WOODLAND GREY is a classic grey that has a very slight tinge of olive. Another thing to keep in mind is that colours will fade over time, particularly more noticable in a black roof.

Best of luck !
Terracota's a great color for your roof. I've also read that red and yellow houses are the latest trends.

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Ohhh Matt....
I always wanted that uniform... could never get promoted from Red Rooster!
I'd concentrate on the improving the little front landing; the driveway, the fence, and the garden. I definitely absolutely wouldn't clad the house in anything - yuk. That just spells cheap and tacky in my book.

A good fence, garden, driveway (don;t forget the driveway!) and something really creative & special with the landing would do wonders with this look.
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