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When the builder says rocks......

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..... they mean these things!!!! I just thought for anyone who is new to this and wondering exactly what rock they are pulling out of the ground in new estates, this might be an eye opener.

These pics were taken at an outer Melbourne Estate.
They look like the giant rock piles at Riverdale (Mernda) - am I right?

If so, that land was meant to be ready December they are now saying end of March but there are still not near finished
Wow I'd freak if that was coming out of my block!! My eyes are definitely wide open Jo!
Least that block won't need a fence
Yep, looks like Riverdale!
It's Mernda, we were just driving around looking at houses. I'm not sure which exact estate it was, but I'm happy to go with Riverdale!

When I started I had no comprehension of rock or anything....
With all the threads about site costs.. I thought it good to show where the thousands and thousands of dollars are going.

I realise how incredibly fortunate we are that we don't have any rock on our block.
But I might go and steal some for a bit of landscaping.
There are several blocks in our street and the one behind us that are exactly like that.
Glad it wasn't ours....
From what I've heard that's exactly the sort of nightmare our block was before the developer started working on it clearing an area he expected would have been just right for a standard pad. Unfortunately we needed a slightly bigger pad so ended up extending our paid by a couple of metres width and another meter + depth. the rock pile you see in my blog is just from that section. I gather from what I was told the developer removed quite a few large trucks loads from our block before he put the blocks up for sale.
Custom builder or pay for own floor plan and take to builder

Building A New House

Hi Mofflepop, I would recommend finding a building designer to prepare plans, they should design to your specified budget. The benefit is you can tender the project out…

Builder has not done something - can I ask for a variation f

Building A New House

I work with owner, he/she is my man on the ground and I instruct them when to visit the site and take photos and I have other tools in the bag.

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