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Carlisle Homes - Closing the Sunshine office

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Hi all,

In the last few days there has been some conjecture and speculation in regards to the closing of the Sunshine office of Carlisle Homes.

John was good enough to ring me today and clarify a few of these issues and discuss all things Carlisle.

I asked for clarification and certainly got it!

Below are some excerpts from an email John was kind enough to send me. The first is a copy of the internal email that was sent around to all staff. The second is a copy of the email that was sent to all clients who are currently in negotiations or building with Carlisle Homes.

John was good enough also to discuss the current position of the company and give me some insights to things that have happened and will be happening in the future. This was simply just a consolidation in a tough financial time ... nothing more, nothing less.

No one lost their jobs (in fact 2 new people were started today to help keep up with the current boom) and the company has never been in a stronger position that it is right now.

I am by no means a massive Carlisle Homes fan (see my blog for current evidence of that) but I felt it was important to clear any misconceptions that may have been raised.





Thanks for the confirmation Matt. I would think its a bit inconvenient for West customers to travel all the way down here.. but if its best for the company..

They also have a massive new colours showroom open now.. Shame we are almost finished!

Thanks again Matt!
No one may of lost their jobs...... but I discovered my Client Liaison officer no longer is there after the move, only just found out after I rang to talk to her and was informed she is no longer with the company. Which seems a little strange as I was only talking to her early last week and said she was going to call today.
Just discovered my Site Supervisor is also no longer there. So I have lost both my Client Liaison officer and Site Supervisor in a week.
hmm... a bit strange isn't it? I guess, "no one lost their job" means no one is fired or forced to leave, but if they left on their own will (maybe with a good redundency package?!?), then that's another story.
Hmmm.... this is certainly a thread to follow.

Carlisle Homes may well have been our builder if they built in our area. We had to discount them on that, but I love most of their designs.
I would think its a bit inconvenient for West customers to travel all the way down here.. but if its best for the company..

I have to many builders have more than one colour selection facility??

Henley have Cosham Interiors in Notting Hill
M3tricon have Studio 501 in Mt. Waverley
PD have Hopetoun Interiors in Port Melbourne
Simonds have Simonds Gallery in Sth Melb

I doubt the smaller builders would be able to cover the costs of running multiple facilities? In light of economic conditions, i think its a smart idea from a cost perspective. I hope it works out for them. Its just smart business.

I hope that the level of customer service doesn't decline though....
I would think its a bit inconvenient for West customers to travel all the way down here.. but if its best for the company..

I have to many builders have more than one colour selection facility??

Henley have Cosham Interiors in Notting Hill
M3tricon have Studio 501 in Mt. Waverley
PD have Hopetoun Interiors in Port Melbourne
Simonds have Simonds Gallery in Sth Melb

I doubt the smaller builders would be able to cover the costs of running multiple facilities? In light of economic conditions, i think its a smart idea from a cost perspective. I hope it works out for them. Its just smart business.

I hope that the level of customer service doesn't decline though....

Yes very good points Nicola, and I think they are doing well trying to follow the bigger builders' footsteps. And yeah I do hope that they keep their good customer service.
Sorry to say Mr Matt Walker,
i have been reading your blogs and have decided you really are a tool.
you think he have all the answers
is it really any of your business to have started this topic?
you have finished your building so now is the time to enjoy your home and leave your opinons to yourself :arrow

thats my say, does anyone else agree
I don't agree

Matt has every right to post whatever he feels like. Just like you did when you insulted him. He has had a lot of experience with Carlisle and hence he has many contacts. I am grateful that he took initiative to find this information and pass it on as I probably wouldn't have had the time myself.

Thanks for clarifying the matter Matt!
Chill Sauce
Sorry to say Mr Matt Walker,
i have been reading your blogs and have decided you really are a tool.
you think he have all the answers
is it really any of your business to have started this topic?
you have finished your building so now is the time to enjoy your home and leave your opinons to yourself :arrow

thats my say, does anyone else agree

I definitely don't agree!

First of all, why would you call him 'Mr' Matt Walker? He's earnt his place as administrator, and for a first post (sorry for the suspicions again everyone) this is awfully strange. And can you define what exactly a tool is?

Not everyone has all the answers, but everyone on the forum has the right of opinion and respect. And it is his business to have started this thread - its all part of building a new house, as people are in contact with builders for after handover inspections and etc.

And all of us here have been querying the merging, so it was in his best interest to put us out of misery, and as he said, he only wanted what was best for the builder, no misunderstandings and assumptions.

Like I said, I DO NOT agree with you, why would this sort of thing be your first post? He is doing a terrific job with the forum, helps out with home theatre stuff, and it was a great idea to put this thread up.
Beat me to it, sarahq! Who is this person anyway?
Chill Sauce
Sorry to say Mr Matt Walker,
i have been reading your blogs and have decided you really are a tool.
you think he have all the answers
is it really any of your business to have started this topic?
you have finished your building so now is the time to enjoy your home and leave your opinons to yourself :arrow

thats my say, does anyone else agree

Wow, great first post!!

my point is to Mr walker is to leave Carlisle homes alone he has nothing but ill feelings towards them and believe me i know from a good scoure.
its time for Mr Walker to come out say how much he enjoying his new home, like all of us we have had issues with our builder but the issues will always arise that is the nature of the building game, but at the end of the day we all love our new homes and the design that we chose. i know i wouldnt change mine for the world.

i hope you agree
Chill Sauce
i hope you agree

i take that as a yes then
Evening Chill Sauce!

I think you're picking the wrong fight here!

Consider your membership suspended.

(Sorry guys -for those that read this thread in the next few minutes - but i will be moving this thread to the Mod holding area for a bit. It will be returned a.s.a.p.)
Chill Sauce
i take that as a yes then

Errr no!

Go get 'em P!
Happy to have this back in the thread unchanged...

I have been called much worse !!

You are entitled to your opinion but the fact remains the the owner of Carlisle Homes felt it was important enough to address this issue with me personally and gave me the OK to put it up here for everyone to read.

Read into that what you will.

What issues I have with Carlisle Homes are seperate to what happens in here and I call it as I see it.

Perhaps next time you decide to call someone a 'tool' think about how coming into a community such as this is going to react... You certainly wont make any friends.

If you have built with Carlisle, I hope you enjoy your house.

If you didn't ... well then you have no reason to comment on my experience having none of your own first hand.


You said it, Matt. Who is this person? Hmm..
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