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Allura Homes in Liquidation

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This might make the news for tomorrow's newspaper... ... 7bb9jhg_15

I thought Allura Homes, despite its shortcomings and various negative feedbacks lately, has been ramping up its social media profile and is probably doing OK. And anecdotally I think they do charge a premium so should have sufficient buffer against losses.

But who knows. Looks like we aren't out of the woods yet.
Good riddance. Andrew Strachan ran it into the ground. He bullied and threatened customers when challenged in any way. Forced us to take down any negative posts about Allura (with the threat of canceling contracts). He posted fake reviews under his middle name and got his wife to do the same. Demanded progress payments for incomplete work and money upfront for work that never happened. He went back on things agreed in writing. Refused to return calls, respond to emails or turn up to scheduled meetings. His staff were kept in the dark until the very end. The guy is a weasel and shouldn't be allowed to do business ever again.
Another expensive custom builder goes down. For the prices these type of builders charge you'd think they'd manage their business better.
Were it not for the dozens of lives they've no doubt shattered, I'd completely agree.

We built with them, and their managing director made the process excruciating. He was a slick salesman until the contact was signed, and then became extremely arrogant, listened only to himself, and seemed to have an attitude of looking for problems instead of solutions, which caused us a lot of grief. He reneged on his verbal commitments, chose not to answer any difficult questions, or confirm things in writing.

He was either unwilling, or unable to think things through rationally when challenged - instead becoming aggressive, and unreasonable. He would send belligerent, rambling, almost deranged text messages, and his manner on the phone was no better.

We still have a laundry list of minor defects, incomplete work, and deviations from plans.
I am a trade and have been working for Allura for many years. Its tough, I am lucky and have been paid along the way. The person you need to look at is Sam (Salvatore) Maugeri he is a 50% share holder with Phil Circosta the other 50% share holder and Sam is the Managing Director of the business and the only Director - he sent the business into administration on Monday. I have spoken to him today. Neither Sam or Phil have ever put money into the business' - but they both own it and are 50/50 shareholders with another building company as well and its quite possible that large funds have transferred from Allura to the other business on many occasions over the past several years.
I am of the understanding Andrew loaned the business money back in January 2021 to help through the challenging covid period and its never been paid back. It was Loan over $500,000. Its also my understanding that Andrew is the largest creditor in this whole process. Although Andrew was the face of the business - a lot of direction and decisions came from higher up. Lets hope the truth comes out for everyone as quickly as possible and home warranty can help finish the homes in construction.
This might make the news for tomorrow's newspaper... ... 7bb9jhg_15

I thought Allura Homes, despite its shortcomings and various negative feedbacks lately, has been ramping up its social media profile and is probably doing OK. And anecdotally I think they do charge a premium so should have sufficient buffer against losses.

But who knows. Looks like we aren't out of the woods yet.

I heard this yesterday on the grapevine and didn't think it was true ( due to the source) ....but boy oh boy.

I have been talking to heaps of subbies in the last few weeks and I know so many who are owed money. Sign of the times I guess
Good riddance if you ask me. They stole so much money from me and my husband for doing initial design plans.

Thank god we found another local builder around Pagewood and Maroubra area who took care of the whole design package for us and is now looking at starting our build January next year!!

I would recommend him to anyone who is after the same. He gave me a list of all his owners he has done work for and they all told me how great he was and all the jobs are local too
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