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Concrete question

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Hi guys, on the edge of our house concrete slab where the house slab meets the driveway there is a piece of wood about 12 inches long embedded in the concrete. It’s previously been covered but as you can see the covering is coming off. Any idea what it would be there for? Should I remove it and fill the gap with concrete? Any help appreciated

I can think of no reason why that wood should be there.
It's amazing what is uncovered by accident, when you go looking or when your home is being demolished due to structural damage by blatant non-compliance, incompetence and lack of duty of care.

It's amazing what is uncovered by accident, when you go looking or when your home is being demolished due to structural damage by blatant non-compliance, incompetence and lack of duty of care.

WTF is this? My 6 year old I am sure could do better! Fark me!!!
This is insane, what ended up happening?
More than insane. VCAT will decide the outcome. VBA have had the complaint since June 2019 but it's still sitting with the disciplinary unit. It's a long, slow process. In the meantime, my home is demolished and I am paying rent. The odds are stacked up against the consumer.
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