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Which paint brand has best Surfmist colour?

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Hi, I have tried a few sample pots of Surfmist of various brands at my local Hardware Store. Unfortunately, to me they are far too grey. All I want is a Surfmist exterior paint that matches Colorbond Surfmist walling. Is there anything I should be asking, or advising before a get another sample pot? Thank you for any advice or suggestions.
I painted Surfmist onto separate boards and labelled on the back. I also chose Basalt as a trim and found after two coats that this is an exact match to Colorbond Basalt. I just wish I knew why there is such a discrepancy for the Surfmist. Thank you
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Thank you so much. We ended going with the terrain that’s part of our brick.

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Thank you. That is really helpful. Once we get the place done and passed for OC we can upgrade in the future once we get back on our feet and not paying mortgage and rent.

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