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Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

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Very interesting to hear about Mark Croft legal.

If you go public, look at The Age.
Do you know mark croft legal ex builder turned lawyer.
Ive tried few times to contact the current affair but with no answers, not sure if they have any intrest in the story they ask me to email them documents but i thought to scary to do that no trust in anyone i asked editor from the sun but she was based in sydney and she would ask her office in Melbourne but have ot heard over 2 years so i dont know how to contact anyone , do you have any way of contacting the age i have to speak in person not handing over documents to people i dont know they can view them at my place if need be.
I think it is you will find your answers in the VBA standard and tolerances 2015 they were added in, when I posted them by the csiro now I posted them few years ago it had it all on there builders responsability on building your new house and it states there is no excuse for builder not to know about soil water drainage system around the home plus paving to be installed by the builder no excuses not to know this its in black and white. If i can I'll posted them on here for everyone to see.
Do you know mark croft legal ex builder turned lawyer.

Were you asking me?

I had never heard of him before your posts but I will be reading up tomorrow. There are numerous accounts of dissatisfaction with lawyers on H1 and hearing your recommendation and some background has been very good. He sounds like a godsend.

It is unfathomable how after the mass of slab heaves several years ago and the widespread resultant publicity that some builders still don't attend to or care about site drainage.

Re your comment about paving having to be installed by the builder, my understanding is that the site has to have a cut (not filled) slope during construction and be handed over with the ground sloped away from the slab. Where have you read to the contrary?
do you have any way of contacting the age i have to speak in person not handing over documents to people i dont know they can view them at my place if need be.

The Age has investigative journalists and they were responsible for the exposure of corrupt practices within the Victorian Building Commission and the Victorian Plumbing Industry Commission that led to their disbandment. They have also written various articles about slab heave and other building industry related issues.

I suggest that you search for some of the past articles, check whether the authors are still working at The Age and contact them if so.

They will want more widespread information about issues though rather than a one off. You could for example link some similar H1 threads.
Yes i was asking if you knew mark croft, if you recall when i joined by that stage we had spent well over 150k and everyone was telling me are you sure your lawyer is working you or for his best intrest, well i found out a few things about the lawyer that didnt add up each time we ask him questions about our case and why your ot using our evidance it was alway an excuse so after a bit i started think is he working for the builder they have a hand shake to make us go away because thats what it looked like to me. When we parted ways he lfet us in the crap with few months before our hearing vcat so we asked around and my wife cousin works for the Victorian legal commission and through her asking around we found mark croft legal we put him in tbe middle of a hell fire with 9 folders of documents.
But it was only after we picked up our file that we descavered the things that lawyer was doing behind our back. Mark croft took our case on soon as we handed him few important pages of our evidance he said you dont have to go a hearing ill finish this mysef at next cc he cancelled our ealier vcat day and reschedule a new one for december 2019 and we go a defect reporg which ive asked for 4 years but old lawyer wouldn't do it. So mark croft legal got us a win with a defect report plus the evidance we had already in photos took him 9 months done deal.
So good to hear.

A lot of lawyers are ethically bankrupt bottom feeding oxygen thieves.
I d recommend anyone to Mark Croft he got us out of the crap , when we where paying for a lawyer and barrister I could never understand why the builder had a lawyer and we had bloody 2 of them could work it out for the life of me, till slowly I started to realize the lawyer we had was bloody useless and he was hiding all our evidance always kept saying why would you use it now, we asked him to write a open letter to builder stating all the evidance we had will be used publicly he advised not to do it, but most importantly he said the barrister would not supported we didn't know if that was true or not as it never came up on our invoices. When we parted ways with him picked up all our files from him we came home and checked dates against our dates and invoices but things did not add up soon finding out he was not working for us to win but making sure we paid him and he would make our case go away that's how we looked at this once I worked out he was on Linkinn I found his profile and I printed all 8 pages found out he never won a vcat case in his life, all he ever worked for was insurance company's so I thought to myself what's the bet he was told to make our case go away.
Once we found mark croft legal ex builder turned lawyer, he explained to us how we where grossly misrepresented we told him who our barrister was he said yep I know him ill call him see his input. To our supprise we found out that the barrister told him we where never ready for a 10 day hearing but yet the lawyer and him where pushing us for a 10 day hearing which would have added extra 100k to our cost. Mark Croft said he would never take us to a hearing he would get us a settlement at next cc , and that's what he did he looked after our intrest did his homework all he asked us was to get a good defect report that's all we needed instead of us we spent almost 50k just on reports which they contradicted each other we didn't know what the crap was going on. We where Blessed and God sent Mark Croft legal. So now I refer everyone to him anyone who wants a honest and truthful lawyer that works only for his clients and not for himself or anyone else that's the biggest difference thanks to Mark Croft we are greatful to had the opportunity to have him as a lawyer honest right down the line. That's our case story.
Its on facebook in a private forum called negative experice with i had take out the name just incase that guy was a lawyer, but you got the picture already how to find me, hope to see you there everyone is on that pageyou will find my problems with pictures to show everyone why its so important to stand your ground against builders and arm your self with the right information and take lots of photos during construction and after till now. Its your best fight evidence. If you think your lawyer is not doing the right thing by you change dont hang on as we did it almost broke us then we flund mark croft legal ex builder turned lawyer. God sent for us he saved us. His website is mark croft legal 1300366119. If needed just tell him the guy from portarlington referred you to him. Thats if you want.

Thank you, Mario, much appreciated.

I will find your FB group.

I really am so very pleased for you.

Hi lisa06
You will find lots of people on this group who are in the same position as all o f us we help each other out by sharing information and not worry about some lawyer coming here and telling us that some work could legally challenging if he wzs a lawyer. I think he is a lawyer and joined to find out who is saying what and if anyone is naming bulders names, i told him to get off not in so many words we are here to get help from others and share our storys and hope to get some help from others in same position.
So good to hear.

A lot of lawyers are ethically bankrupt bottom feeding oxygen thieves.

That made me laugh out loud!
Do you know mark croft legal ex builder turned lawyer.

Were you asking me?

I had never heard of him before your posts but I will be reading up tomorrow. There are numerous accounts of dissatisfaction with lawyers on H1 and hearing your recommendation and some background has been very good. He sounds like a godsend.

It is unfathomable how after the mass of slab heaves several years ago and the widespread resultant publicity that some builders still don't attend to or care about site drainage.

Re your comment about paving having to be installed by the builder, my understanding is that the site has to have a cut (not filled) slope during construction and be handed over with the ground sloped away from the slab. Where have you read to the contrary?

No your correct the land must be sloped away from footing, not built up with soil where it can wash away anyway it has to be scraped to fall away from the which never happend to we where left in mud 2 feet deep i had my concern about it i complained to site manager he did nothing about in 2010 the drought broke we had rain every day i tought to myself dam has not rained i 18 years now i am building it rains every day, but the build continued with no downpipes connected it was a mess lucky i was concerned enough to take photos something told me i was going to have problems, growing up as a italian born in italy as well,i did lots of concrete with my dad so not new to concrete. Lucky i took all those photos during construction even after site manager tried to stop me from entering next day i went i showed up with a bat, that was the end of himstopping me from going everyday. It sounds like builders are taking more chances in cutting corners and sending stand over goons to get people to sign final stage payments thats discasting when i was told i told these familys if it happens again to call me ill show up with a bat again, today builders are getting away with murder and home owners are paying a bad price. I hope to get my information out once my house is completed with no problems layer on, they are not get off just like that.
Just an update from my post in 2014, where I found and reported a severely dished slab on a house in Wyndham Vale. It seems my client sold the property.
New purchaser has just now found out he has a problem. When I asked whether they got pre purchase inspection the answer was yes, by a franchised inspector who did not pick up on severely dished slab.
This is the second time I came across franchised inspectors missing an elephant in the room. On a pre purchase inspection in Eltham they missed 50mm floor subsidence at rear of the house.

Our pre-purchase inspector missed an edge heave of 46mm. He was (is) utterly useless.
Can you prove the slab had already heaved before you bought it ?
Have you got a case against him ?
Hi. Insider me and you have little history even though we have not met in person, we built in portarlington in 2010 at the height of the drought then it broke, it rained every day the great ocean road collapsed under all the water, we where going to hire Domenic Lopes but our lawyer back then knocked us back as we wanted a second opinion on our soil test which I believe was never done and I can prove it. At the time our lawyer knocked back all our recommendation we put to him but I was in the middle chating with Domenic when I told Domenic about this lawyer he told me get reed of him, then come back and talk to me, I believe it was going to be you and Domenic doing soil test back in 2017 or may be 2018 since then we parted ways with that lawyer and found Mark Croft legal he took our case on and won at our compolsative conference vcat at the end of 2019 he is Ex builder turned lawyer we got blessed to find him . But I held great respect for you and Domenic Lopes and I refer everyone who needs to do a soil test to call Domenic Lopes. But you gave me hope explained to me so much and now I pass that information on to others. We are in the process of having our house underpinned and drainage system around our house designed by Buratt engineering he seems to be of good knowledge but also friends with our lawyer but the builder is doing all the underpinning, do I trust them bloody not, but I made it clear we must have this inspected by Buratt engineering before any holes are filled with concrete I am sure you remember who the builder was, and who did the soil test you said there is only 2 geotechnical engineers that do all volume builders you gave me 2 names and I replied yes to the first name, but also they lost against us as well. Our house heaved by 87mm inside and 67mm outside of bricks over 12.5 metres. And the top of roof trusses have disconnected from each other living a gap of 50mm with these roof disigns you cannot get into the roof but am sure it's like that all over, got mould on garage plaster as well, the black polyurethane plastic was left uncut against the fence between the garage and fence so the rain hits that wall runs down and under the slab, what I don't understand is do builders use waffle pods under a garage floor. Would you know if they use waffle under garage floors. Thank you in advance.
Thanks insider your a true champ.
Thanks insider your a true champ.

Great success story!

Do you have detailed diary on how you went about this lengthy process? I would be interested for future reference .

I am a recipient of a newly built home that has a substandard slab put in.

All my neighbours on our street got a P rating while I have h2. I requested for an upgrade but was denied during pre construction. They were saying it should be fine. My slab does not have pier along the width of the house and I really worry about our slab heaving in the future.
Hi john0322 Depending on what you need to know please PM and we can chat in private I know builders lawyers are on this forum and I'd rather keep this private. To all builders or lawyers that work on behalf of builders get off these forums I know who you are.
Reading on this post.

LIH wanted to charge me 15k extra in drainage for waffle pod, 15k in traffic management, 8k in cranage. They gave promotion for waffle pod charging higher base price (370k in lieu of 330k for similar size and inclusion compared to other builder). Overall 500k at contract for 43 square home after tender and color.

All in all, waffle pod ended up being more expensive than raft slab. So I walked away.

Waffle pod is popular because it makes total build cost cheap for builder. Many builders now don't do raft slab.

Waffle pod is not cheap for owner when you take in to account the cost of maintaining it and the risk of your house falling apart.

Foundation is part of the house that you can not replaced once the build is up. So I run away from large project home builder for a custom home.

Not that I am querying Adam.M's authenticity, but it would seem if this is true, that one should just do a raft slab whenever on a H soil? But I am aware that plenty of waffle pods are going down on is H+ sites, even when they are on the low side of the road, and beneath the level of the road. Why is this? Just cost?

Wow this is digging up an old post! First of all I am not a structural engineer. My knowledge only goes as far as reading through AS2870, researching and talking to actual structural engineers. From my search, I have heard many different view points. From what I have gathered is this:
    - A waffle pod if installed correctly, should stand the test of time
    - The reality is, it doesn't take much to incorrectly install a waffle pod
    - A raft slab is much more forgiving
    - A raft slab takes a few more days and many $1,000's extra
    - Consumers want a cheaper deal and builders give them what they want!

If you read AS2870 in it's entirety and the CSIRO's guide on slab maintenance, you will see that not many houses comply. Eg. next doors house that sits 400mm under my house's level, built using a waffle pod with no fall what so ever.

All in all, not everyone will agree with my statement. But as I said, I have heard engineers on both sides and it seems they can't even make up their own minds!

I agree with you Adam.m
I think it will be sorted out in court and the main arguments will be who is responsible for drainage .
is it the builder ,did they follow the engineers drainage design ?
is the engineers drainage design adequate , did it comply with AS2870 ?
is it something the owner has done regarding drainage ?
I my opinion builder and engineer will carry the responsibility and the builder taking the largest load.
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