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The Love it, Hate it, Not sure thread.

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How about these curtains and decor... like it or hate it?

I think it could look ok in a country style house but definitely not those modern style homes (the ones with the caravan windows and render

Not for me, I'm afraid
. Not a big fan of yellow anyway, but certainly not in that style.
yellow curtains & decor - reminds me of a nursing home (sorry if anyone liked it!)

I work in nursing homes and Ive never seen those sort of currtains!!!

Although they are fond of using yellow in their decor as it is suppossed to be a happy colour
I think we can all spot an interior design disaster. So let's keep the thread practical.... speaking of which. Any fans of the glass rail for staircase?

I like that whole look, but the glass would get dusty and grubby, but I like it
Fingerprints on the glass would annoy the cr@p outta me... and i'm a lazy cleaner as it is... so don't really see it getting cleaned very often LOL and i'd be worried about how sturdy it is!!
I like the glass stair rail... but maybe not until my child(ren) are older... I could see my little guy going straight through that in a few years' time, toughened glass or not. Probably with his father egging him on at the time, too
I think we can all spot an interior design disaster. So let's keep the thread practical.... speaking of which. Any fans of the glass rail for staircase?

Yeah ok, but I was having a lot of fun

As for the glass rail, it would drive me mad to keep wiping off the finger prints from the kids. Very unpractical.
I like the glass rail, but how do you think it would go if you were falling down the stairs??
I like the glass rail. However, would hate cleaning it. And knowing me I'd probably keep walking into it and hurt myself.

Like the chair in the yellow room... that's about it though!
I think we can all spot an interior design disaster. So let's keep the thread practical.... speaking of which. Any fans of the glass rail for staircase?

Love it......great for small, narrow walkways.
No yellow anywhere for me.......except dresses
What about Butler's kitchens?
My jury is definitely out on this one - on one hand, I love the idea of shutting the door on mess, on the other, I hate the idea of doing my meal prep in a cupboard!

Horizontal windows - love all windows, bring the outside in!
Glass stair rails - like the look, but don't want to clean one and don't want my kids anywhere near them!
Fabric wallpaper - like the look, hate the thought of dust it would collect!
Stacked stone - love, love, love
Outdoor bathrooms - go with windows and stacked stone, anything to blur the line between indoors and out
Words instead of numbers on the letterbox - not for me
I think we can all spot an interior design disaster. So let's keep the thread practical.... speaking of which. Any fans of the glass rail for staircase?

I don’t have kids to worry about with the glass.

As a design feature, this is perfect for small spaces, as it would make the space seem larger.
I like it, I also see it as safe, and kids can’t climb it.

I think? Knowing kids today, they can just about climb anything!
At least kids sliding down the banisters would not be an option with that sort of staircase!!!

What about Butler's kitchens?
My jury is definitely out on this one - on one hand, I love the idea of shutting the door on mess, on the other, I hate the idea of doing my meal prep in a cupboard!

No, not a fan of these; seem a throw back to the old Victorian sculleries to me or perhaps a counter reaction to the extreme open kitchens of modern houses.
I prefer a kitchen that is a little set apart, with a raised breakfast bar, for example, so it is still part of the open space area but not so exposed to liveing areas and still self contained working area. I know we all love how our kitchens look but they are also a functional working area, I like windows and light in kitchens, would hate working set away in a dark butlers pantry area.
Walk in pantries are great for storage but not as working areas IMO.
Anyone watch domestic **** last night. What's your view on the pattern for the cupboards? Take the fruit and flowers away and it would look quite dark and drab.

I'm not a fan of the stripey cupboards, looks too much like licorice to me.

Butlers Pantry - Love, love, love mine! there isn't really room to cook in it but plenty of room to store all our small applicances, eskys, shopping bags, small stools, microwave etc etc. One of the best features of my kitchen!

A friend of mine has one with a sink and a window etc. This would be over-kill for me and not really necessary. Plus it seems to have a lot of wasted space.
Also not a fan of the stripey cupboards. They look really odd compared with the non-kitchen end of the room too.
HATE those stripey cupboards
!! Yukky!!!
No love for the stripey hey...
Interesting also they ran the stripes vertical under the oven but horizontal on the other cupboards.
Mirror on (or is it in?) the kitchen island?

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1000000% definitely add insulation. I have in my home and it makes a big difference minimising sound transfer. Insulation is pretty cheap and definitely worth it

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