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Eucalypt North Epping

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Hey guys I am located on Bankcroft Avenue which is intersected by Gunther Way (Which has been built). I was told since its stage 3 it would title Aug end but when I inquired today they said a month Sept end. I get this creepy feeling that it will be the same next month too. In the meanwhile august onwards I have to start paying 1000 per month to my builder since its more than a year that I decided the house and entered into a contract. I can see a few of you guys have started building and a few have had their land titled. Lucky!! Let me know if anyone has an inside info on stage 3..bankcroft settlment date!
Hi guys,

My wife and I put a deposit on a house and land package through Porter Davis in Eucalypt a few months back, Stage 8 on Saltlake Blvd, which from what I can tell is planned to be a similar sized road to Pine Park Drive but running N-S through the estate. 14 x 32, 448m2 so an average sized block, but enough for a small house with plenty of backyard for kids down the track!

At the moment expected release is in Feb 2012, I have a family member that works for Porter Davis so I get sent through any updates on stage release dates. ykish - officially Stockland still has your stage for release late Sep so fingers crossed for you they don't delay again. We haven't had much rain lately so I think you will be right

Does anyone have any official news on the internet front? I get the feeling that its going to be struggle to get decent internet (sigh)... Still cant believe how far behind we are in terms of internet in this country..
Snakes..mate thanks for your update...yeah fingers crossed...
btw with regards to your internet query..i received a brochure sort of thing from my conveyancer which stated that Eucalypt has entered into an agreement with NBN and this infrastructure will be installed at the property... there is a information brochure attached with it....I hope this info helps!
I had my Home Window Broken into yest night on pine park drive ,eucalypt no clue what to do abt it ....
Hi Hari,

Land settlement should be any day now, was delayed for a while which was understandable... i'll start building when it does settle. Leaning towards Porter Davis but i'm really starting too like Carlisle.

Yeah I can't wait, the Eucalypt area is starting to look nice and the backdrop of the mountains is beautiful. I wonder how the parklands will look.

Hi Pinoy - How is your house construction going on ? Have you started building? Keep us posted mate.

My friend Priyesh has settled the land 175 Bangalay rise.
And Arun is looking forward to settle 424 Nundroo Crescent.

I 'm sure we all can be a great neighbours and Eucalypt will be a lovely place to love in ....
Hi Pinoy - How is your house construction going on ? Have you started building? Keep us posted mate.

My friend Priyesh has settled the land 175 Bangalay rise.
And Arun is looking forward to settle 424 Nundroo Crescent.

I 'm sure we all can be a great neighbours and Eucalypt will be a lovely place to love in ....
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