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Wallara Waters/Wallan

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Congrats on moving in, cmhamilton! No more sly drive bys of your house now...

We will be standing on our block on Sunday, so if you spot about 6-7 people out there feel free to give a wave!
You can still do sly drive bys if you want - we don't mind (been in there one day and we're already used to seeing the same car swing past 3 or 4 times in a row).

We should be fully in by next weekend so I might see you - doing the "living apart in two houses thing right now until everything has been shifted over.

One interesting thing - we were thinking it would be crap without telly until the antenna man comes next week, but a 5 buck set of rabbit ears gives us crystal clear reception on all FTA channels...

(we are on the up slope of a hill though with nothing to block the TV signal from wherever it's coming from - somewhere to the south east I suspect given the angle we have to put the rabbit ears at)
Funny you should say that. I'm thinking we might forgo installing a TV antenna, as I am a bit peeved at paying for a permanent fixture we will only use for about 18 months till the NBN gets switched on.

We are planning on taking our time moving too. We moved here 9 days before our wedding in February this year, and all in one day (while 31 weeks pregnant I might add), and I unpacked the whole house the following day. Even with removalists, it was a bit too intense! Add an infant to the mix and I am pretty sure we'll be taking our time this time.

Can't wait till you aren't the only lonely house on the hill!
^^^ As it BN! Not with your personality!

Congrats cm!
Funny you should say that. I'm thinking we might forgo installing a TV antenna, as I am a bit peeved at paying for a permanent fixture we will only use for about 18 months till the NBN gets switched on.

18 months? I know stages 4a and 4b are being seeded with NBN infrastructure as part of the greenfields rollout, but there's no guarantee on when they'll continue it to existing stages (we're counted as "brownfields" even though we're in the same estate and literally only a few hundred metres from stage 4A).

We'll still get the antenna for now I guess as we're closer to 2-3 years before the NBN comes-a-callin' at the very least - the one thing we need to do though is invest in some bird spikes so we don't end up with one of those lovely patches on our roof...

Still it's a fair way off for you guys (you might be in by the end of the year if you're lucky) so youv'e got plenty of time to mull it over...

We are planning on taking our time moving too. We moved here 9 days before our wedding in February this year, and all in one day (while 31 weeks pregnant I might add), and I unpacked the whole house the following day. Even with removalists, it was a bit too intense! Add an infant to the mix and I am pretty sure we'll be taking our time this time.

We hired a truck and did it ourselves, but it's taken a day's worth of trips in the truck (3 in all - 2 for moving and 1 for picking up new stuff we've bought) and then probably twice that in trips with a ute/both cars to get most of the stuff out.

Major thing in the old house now is cleaning - but we took care of most of the stuff we could see beforehand, now there's just the yummy stuff that hides under beds, washing machines, fridges and couches to take care of...

I'm sore in places you can't even imagine right now, but the worst is my forearms from holding onto fiddly heavy things with the tips of my fingers - I'm also scratched up nicely (found that out in the shower this morning) and I'm sure I'll discover a bruise or twelve over the next few days...

Can't wait till you aren't the only lonely house on the hill!

Funny you say that - because we spotted a surveyor taking core samples on what I think is the block next to yours on the weekend (we counted down from ours and I think it was one short of your block), so you might have someone building at the same time as you guys right next door.
oh I hope that was our block! We've been waiting on a site survey and soil tests to determine our site costs since mid May! Fingers crossed! Otherwise a neighbour would be nice... We ran into the owner of the block you are talking about at the sales office, she has a young toddler so it would be good to have a potential play mate for our son!

As for the NBN, Michelle told us the Springridge roll out had been extended to include stage 3.

If we do get an antenna, will definitely have to do something about those birds! The white patches on our rear neighbours' roofs are the first thing I notice!!
I took my time as I was driving past today counting up from our block and I reckon the geotech guy might just have been pulling long skinny bits of dirt out of your block - I had mistakenly thought you were right next to the house that is already built there but you're one block further over...

I spoke to the antenna guy and he said if we can get the spikes we can put in a service call and they'll get someone out to stick them up for us - there are the spikes I'm thinking of using:
I took my time as I was driving past today counting up from our block and I reckon the geotech guy might just have been pulling long skinny bits of dirt out of your block - I had mistakenly thought you were right next to the house that is already built there but you're one block further over...

You have no idea how good that sounds!

Still in admin limbo, will update my thread once we have news. Hopefully the weather holds off on Sunday so we can actually get out of the car and walk on our dirt! I want to inspect for long skinny holes....
aaarrrgggghhhhh so frustrated atm
DFH all ready to go we even have building permits

but no stupid broker... we told them over a month ago to proceed with the build loan
we find out last thurs that the broker just got the aproval in principal loan
and today we find out that the bank has decided to value the house $22k less than what it is on the contract and the broker today sudenly became awol
i am so angry i can cry
Omg Shell that's awful!!!

Exactly the same thing happened with us but it was $19k on the land. Our broker took 1 look at the valuation and took our paperwork to a different bank. He got the bank to sign off on our loan without a valuation by saying we will pay the mortgage insurance up front (about $4k if I remember correctly)

Good luck sweets! I'll be thinking about you xx

Oh and if your broker continues to be awol I can recommend mine

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse my spelling mist cakes
Bubblynutter - we had two long skinny holes dug on our block but because the ground is nothing but clay we couldn't find them! Lol.

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse my spelling mist cakes
Another option for birds on aerials than the pestaway spikes, which no doubt work wonders, I've seen a lot of them in commercial situations!

You can simply use cable ties (black uv stable ones) and leave the tails pointing up, since pestaway recommend using glue and cable ties to hold the spikes on, it would be cheaper, but more time consuming I guess

aaarrrgggghhhhh so frustrated atm
DFH all ready to go we even have building permits

but no stupid broker... we told them over a month ago to proceed with the build loan
we find out last thurs that the broker just got the aproval in principal loan
and today we find out that the bank has decided to value the house $22k less than what it is on the contract and the broker today sudenly became awol
i am so angry i can cry

Hey Shellbelle,

So sorry to hear about the lower valuation and the issue with your broker
, we are building in Wallan and also with Dennis (in woodlands edge). We just sent our signed contracts off to our broker today to submit to the bank and I am so worried about our valuation as well as our site costs came back HUGE!!

Hope you can get it all sorted out soon and be on your way with the build, I am keen to hear of the progress with your build and with DFH
aaarrrgggghhhhh so frustrated atm
DFH all ready to go we even have building permits

but no stupid broker... we told them over a month ago to proceed with the build loan
we find out last thurs that the broker just got the aproval in principal loan
and today we find out that the bank has decided to value the house $22k less than what it is on the contract and the broker today sudenly became awol
i am so angry i can cry

Hi Shell,
Sorry to hear about your problems. Try to find another bank/broker.
Our building has been delay by rocks; I don’t know why they have been using rocks in the land fill...
Thanks peoples

DFH have been so good during this whole situation and have extended when we need to give them proof if un conditional approval and at the same time they have passed on details to the SS so we don't get further delays for site start, so as soon as we have the paper we go to site.
we had an email from the slab supervisor asking us about the concrete in the alfresco that we are getting.
we should know more answers by early next week regarding the bank.

@ JPC has woodlands edge been known to have high site costs??
we drove there to have a little sticky beak the other week are you on 1 of the flat blocks??
@ Viking i can not believe that they hit rock , i am guessing this was not noticed by builder during soil tests what a pain. on the FB site i have not noticed anyone else down our street saying about rock. and your right i don't know why they would be using rock in land fill thats just dumb
@cat i remember you have that drama... during the course of next week you will either see/hear me very happy posibly tipsy cos all has gone well or angry and bad words coming out of my mouth if it all falls apart LOL
woohoo finally things are going right
we now have unconditional approval... phew
just gotta get the signed stuff to dfh
That is good.
@ JPC has woodlands edge been known to have high site costs??
we drove there to have a little sticky beak the other week are you on 1 of the flat blocks??

Hey Shellbelle,

We are up on the hill so it wasnt flat but the developer has done the cut and the retaining wall so it is a flat block now. Site costs for us are high due to it being classified as a problem site and we need 51 cement piers. I am not sure about everyone else's site costs in WE as those who are over on the WE thread all have fixed site costs.

It was the preliminary finding so maybe when they do the final soil test after the land titles it could be better (I can hope right), dont imagine it could get much worse

Good to see your finances are sorted out now, im looking forward to following your build with DFH
went up to our plot today to inspect the slab (just had the invoice) and not only is the slab done but builders are already well under way with the frame!!

Don't worry Viking, soon as the land is ready for the slab pour Carlisle will push on and the frame for the house will be up in no time.
We have a slab!
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