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I didn't actually measure ...
But enough to make it noticeable. Not too strong.

I think it might be the smell.
I'm not sure this is a myth - but ...

I heard it again yesterday - older people are "anal" or "OCD" when it comes to outside the house. They make a lot of noise - mowing and things and hate trees - love cement etc. Have immaculate hedges which they cut day and night.

Where I live its the opposite - we have mainly younger people around us. If there's a tree they want to cut it down. They cut their lawns - but have 101 different pieces of equipment and take forever. I always try to work after 9am and before 5pm. But they'll start early and go late.

One of the main things I see is gardens that look like a cemetery. All straight lines, cement boxes, pointy green things. Rarely a flower. BUT - immaculate lawn - which has oceans of water put on it.

So - is it a myth - older people are a problem. By older I guess I mean 50+ ...

Or - do we treat it on a person by person basis ?
I live next door to housing commission. The make noise day and night. They vomit on the fence right next to my kitchen. I would rather they were mowing.
I live next door to housing commission. The make noise day and night. They vomit on the fence right next to my kitchen. I would rather they were mowing.

Yes - I see your point ...

Our previous place was funny - our 3 immediate neighbours became really good friends We had regular get-to-gethers etc. This helped things though. You tend to forgive a friend a lot more ...
Saint Mike
Tiles vs Colour Bond - how colour bond is somehow better and more environmentally correct - when it is really just a personal choice. It's funny, I've seen an advert somewhere where tiles were an extra - ie costing more. I quite like the individuality of tiles today rather than the common, rather bland CB roof.

Actually it depends if you want to connect a water tank to collect rain water from your roof. Over summer tiles dry out a bit so if you only get a bit of rain it actually gets absorbed into the tiles and doesn't run down to the gutters and into your tank. With a colorbond roof you get just about every bit of rain going into your gutter and ultimately your tank. I have a corrugated iron roof and rain water tank and it works great. A work colleague a few years back had a tiled roof and water tank and had to get water carted even after we'd had a little rain because none of it made it to her tank.

Apparently tiles can be quieter when it does rain but I don't mind the sound of rain on the roof (especially when you know it means you'll have water to flush your loo!)
Good post.

Colorbond also has a sterilising effect with bird droppings and first flush capture is also more effective.
Good post.

Colorbond also has a sterilising effect with bird droppings and first flush capture is also more effective.

Saint Mike
Tiles vs Colour Bond - how colour bond is somehow better and more environmentally correct - when it is really just a personal choice. It's funny, I've seen an advert somewhere where tiles were an extra - ie costing more. I quite like the individuality of tiles today rather than the common, rather bland CB roof.

(Quote - Actually it depends if you want to connect a water tank to collect rain water from your roof. Over summer tiles dry out a bit so if you only get a bit of rain it actually gets absorbed into the tiles and doesn't run down to the gutters and into your tank. With a colorbond roof you get just about every bit of rain going into your gutter and ultimately your tank. I have a corrugated iron roof and rain water tank and it works great. A work colleague a few years back had a tiled roof and water tank and had to get water carted even after we'd had a little rain because none of it made it to her tank.)

Apparently tiles can be quieter when it does rain but I don't mind the sound of rain on the roof (especially when you know it means you'll have water to flush your loo!)

I guess this could be true. I too love the sound of rain on the roof. CB can almost be deafening but not in a nasty way. Hadn't heard the tank theory before. We get "town" water but have an U/G tank. Even in dry times we get a good collection - from tiles - in some weather due to dew etc. Apparently it does collect on tiles better ...

All grist for the mill though ...
Apparently tiles can be quieter when it does rain but I don't mind the sound of rain on the roof (especially when you know it means you'll have water to flush your loo!)

I guess this could be true. I too love the sound of rain on the roof. CB can almost be deafening but not in a nasty way. Hadn't heard the tank theory before. We get "town" water but have an U/G tank. Even in dry times we get a good collection - from tiles - in some weather due to dew etc. Apparently it does collect on tiles better ...

All grist for the mill though ...
Has anyone heard the one about the phone call trying to get you to say "YES".

Can you hear me - can you hear me ?

Then they scam you for millions.

Has anyone actually talked to the person scammed - or met that person ?

I'm adding this one to the Myths file.
I keep getting Foreign scammers call my business asking me if I am (insert correct name) and as soon as I say yes they hang up. Is this some kind of scam? Like, I know as soon as a bad line combined with a heavy accent and the customary 3 second gap to connect the call are evident it's not going to be good news. But I always just assumed they wanted to collect my name and number to put me on some mailing list for junk mail. Is there an actual scam?
I keep getting Foreign scammers call my business asking me if I am (insert correct name) and as soon as I say yes they hang up. Is this some kind of scam? Like, I know as soon as a bad line combined with a heavy accent and the customary 3 second gap to connect the call are evident it's not going to be good news. But I always just assumed they wanted to collect my name and number to put me on some mailing list for junk mail. Is there an actual scam?

Some are making multiple calls at a time Lou - they hang up on you if they get another answer fist ... but they usually don't know you. You should not answer "YES" to them. They generally sound the same with all the usual noise in the background. AND - they are always from some company - they even claim to be Microsoft or Telstra.

Maybe ask "WHY" ?

BUT - the voice is the giveaway - and the sound of the call. Companies generally don't call you "out of the blue" and they do know who they are ringing.

The problem is the people/person who may have sold your phone number/email address to them. NEVER enter silly competitions at the local shop or on-line. This is the best way for scammers to get your email/phone. AND - don't let your kids do it ...

Joining up to shops etc etc is also one way. They may sell off your address to "associates".

AND - NEVER/EVER open an attachment to an email where you did not ask for that attachment or do not know what it is ...
Not sure where to put this one - but ... I'd heard of people "burning" themselves when adding their acid to the self feeder in their pools. Not sure if a myth or not.

It may be true - and painful - but a simple solution (no pun intended) follows. Especially with the 5 litre (black) plastic bottles you get from Bunnings/Magnet Mart etc.

DO NOT tip the acid in vertically - ie with the acid container held skinny side up. If it is held sideways (if that makes sense) it doesn't give bubbles or backwash - thus stopping the kick-back that can occur due to air locks etc. It allows the air to get out.

Plus - I have a pair of plastic goggles I ALWAY wear. You can also get plastic gloves - tight fitting. Still be careful - it can be very dangerous stuff ... just ask Dexter ...
I've had so many myths over the years that people like to re-tweet - on Facebook etc. One "friend" wanted me to delete the most important part of my computer software - as it was really a "hacking device" ...
When I pointed this out she got annoyed.

Lately it ranges from free flights to free holidays - just promote their site and re-tweet. Is there a word for "re-tweeting" on Facebook - "re-face" ?

The most recent FB related to some poor sod who was supposedly a "hacker" and if you didn't re-tweet the message you'd have trouble. So we have millions of Facebook posts because of this one fake bit of news.

If you get such a post - just google it and check on the "Fakes/Myths" pages. It will more than likely be there.

BUT - just Google it BEFORE reposting !!!
C'mon people - you must t have a new myth for us ?
Apropos of nothing - just saw the "Hidden Followers" myth on Facebook again.

Yes - it is relevant - most home builders utilise FB ...
Interesting - got another email telling me my paypal account had been used in some foreign land. Pointers to "scam" were - not addressed to me by name - ie "Bill Smith", no real facts included, spelling errors etc. Hovering mouse over return address also helps when you see "PayPal's" url is some oddball name.

So - why do people fall for them ? Are we that gullible or do we all want to win that elusive prize - not miss out on the main chance ?

A good spot to look when you get a fake email/myth is They seem to list most of the current and past scams and myths doing the rounds. I still use the old rule - if it seems to good to be true - it generally is.

There is a current advert for an electricity company that is offering a good % off usage - if you pay on time - just by ringing up. This seems mainly correct - but when assessing the savings take into account any benefits you may lose - eg you may already be getting a discount that may stop - eg 3%. Do charges increase on some items - even if only in a minor way - a few cents ? You may well be getting an increased % discount in the new deal but you may not get the % claimed on your current bill. It may only equate to 75-85% of the amount stated. Still good in my opinion but you always have to check the facts and your current position before assuming anything.
Take care all you mortgage people - latest email targets lotto and emails - and suggests you might win if you follow up.

I know we all dream of paying off the mortgage with a big lotto win.

It'll be along the lines you would have won had you been in it - so don't miss out this week.
Saint Mike
I've seen a few more I thought I might add:

The Evap Cooler vs the Reverse Cyle - how Evap Cooling matches real air conditioning. Evap works where temps generally stay lower.

Actually, evap works where HUMIDITY is lower. Big difference. In the right climate, it's the ideal choice.

Not really an urban myth, more a failure by many people to understand the difference between a 35º day in Brisbane and a 35º day in Melbourne. (Clue: One's hideous, the other is freaking awesome.
And the one thats hideous is full of Queenslanders

see more at
Potential Queenslanders do you mean ...
Saint Mike
Potential Queenslanders do you mean ...
No no former queenslanders not former kiwis

see more at
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